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This was your first actual family gathering since Barry broke up with you three and a half months ago.
It felt empty without him by your side, wooing all your family members with his awkward charm.
Sure, you had slowly been adjusting to single life again but that didn't mean you still didn't miss Barry. After all, you two were friends before you became lovers and if felt lonely without seeing him or even interacting with him anymore. Losing Barry also meant losing your best friend.
Your mother didn't really mention him after the first time she asked about it. It had been a week when she had called you up, inviting you and Barry over for the monthly family game night that your mother loved so much. You timidly declined before admitting that you and Barry had broken up. After listening to her apologize and talk about how she always thought you were too good for him anyways (which you knew she was only saying for your own good because she adored Barry and how he always brought out the best in you), you hung up and shamelessly cried.
Now, it was your younger brother Michael's 15th birthday and there was no way that you could get out of it, whether you wanted to or not. And birthday parties in your family always involved all of your extended family and tons of food and gifts. It was quite an extravagant event.
So you were forced to endure the awkward conversations regarding Barry's whereabouts as well as receiving looks of pity since they knew how much you loved him.
But all of their pity was nothing compared to what would happen next.
You felt a slight tug on you pants, causing you to glance down and see your adorable little niece, Megan, staring up at you.
She had bright blue eyes which shined with her blonde ringlets framing her face. She was a four year old who knew she was cute and used it to her advantage. Everyone in the family had a soft spot for her.
She held her arms up, motioning for you to lift her and there was no way you could deny her. She giggled as you lifted her up and rested her on your hip.
"Hey, Meg." You smiled, bouncing her around a bit as you tickled her stomach. She was usually drawn to you during family events because you couldn't say no to her (especially when it involved sneaking her a few sweets here and there) and also where ever you were Barry wasn't far behind and it was obvious that the four year old had a slight crush on him. She absolutely adored Barry since he would always tell her these stories (which were usually based off his experience with Meta's) and he only furthered her love for The Flash. She always claimed to be his number one fan and Barry only encouraged her further, making sure she knew that she could also help out the city in another way one day.
"Where Barewy?" She asked, snuggling into your neck while she played with the necklace Barry had gotten you for after you had graduated from college only a year after he had. (He claimed that it was only fair for him to give you a gift since you had given him an expansive microscope which he ended up using so much that Iris ended up replacing it a few Christmases ago. So really, an emerald necklace was really nothing).
You froze. It was one thing to be asked by other adults about him but Megan's intentions were fueled on innocence and curiosity–no selfish and faked sympathy. She just missed Barry and, you know what, so did you.
"Barry–He couldn't make it today. How about you go find Mikey and wish him a happy birthday? I'm sure he'll be glad to see you." Her question made your chest tighten and made all the delightful memories you shared with Barry, making tears unwillingly well up in your eyes.
You quickly blinked them away as you set Megan down to scurry off to find Michael. But the tears wouldn't vanish and you refused to make a scene at your baby brother's party. So the only sensible option left was to flee to the upstairs bathroom (since the party was only downstairs so no one would come interrupt you) and lock yourself in there until you could actually compose yourself.
Fifteen minutes or so went by and you still had no control over your tears. Your makeup was smeared and your breathing was uneven before you made the decision that could either fix you or break you further.
Fishing your phone out of your back pocket, you unlocked it and clicked on your photos. You hadn't yet deleted any photos with Barry because it just felt too wrong. It almost felt like erasing those would be like erasing those moments with Barry. Almost like those moments meant nothing at all when they really meant the world to you. Those pictures captured all the loving and playful moments you and Barry shared and it seemed wrong to get rid of them.
You remembered taking nearly every photo you had and one in particular made you stop and smile.
It was when you and Barry had decided to spend an entire day at the beach and Barry, being the genius that he thinks he is, insisted that he didn't need any sunscreen and ended up with a painful sunburn. It was taken before you two had become a couple along with before he became the Flash so he was unable to heal himself. It was weeks before he healed which also meant weeks of teasing him with I told you so, Barry.
You hadn't even noticed that your tears had vanished until you flicked to the next photo and saw a photo of you kissing Barry's cheek (with the intention of leaving a bright red lipstick stain on him before he met of with Joe) while Barry had the biggest grin as he looked at the camera.
At one point, you even caught yourself giggling at one picture. That's when it hit you, you needed Barry. Without him by your side you felt incomplete. He was your safety and you needed your hero.
You needed Barry.
That's when you made it your mission to win him back, to convince him that you were better with him than without him.
And the first step to that started with a simple text message to him:
I miss you...

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