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After your and Bartholomew's fling, your phone began ringing crazily. You pick it up to see Earth 1 Barry was calling.
"Speak of the devil." You say, out of breath. You both giggle.
"Can I get some water?" He asks.
"Yeah, in the fridge. Help yourself." He mutters a thanks while peeling his naked body off of the couch. You answer the phone.
"(Y/n)? Where the hell are you? We've been calling you for hours?" He screams into the phone.
"I'm at home. Wh-what's happening?" Bartholomew brings you a bottle of water and sits down with his own in his hand. "Thanks,"
"Tha-? (Y/n) why are you out of breath? Who are you with?"
"No one."
"You're with him aren't you?"
"With who?"
"Don't play games with me, (y/n). You know who I'm talking about. Earth 2 me. Bartholomew."
"What if I am?"
"What the hell (Y/n)? Are you kidding me? Tell me this is a joke! Where are the cameras?"
"What is your problem?"
"He is! He is my problem! You shouldn't be with him! You should be with m-..." He cuts himself off but he already has said enough.
"Okay, now I must be being punked. You didn't care about me 5 weeks go when I was head over heels for you. You don't have a say in my life anymore. I like him, not you."
"Screw that! You may like him, but you love me! You can never forget about me."
"No, screw you. You have Iris. I have Bartholomew."
"You can kiss your seat on team flash goodbye."
"You need me more than I need you." You hang up.
"Are you okay? That sounded heavy." Bartholomew asks and rubs your back lightly as you let out a sigh.
"He's a dick.I don't need him." Bartholomew smiles lightly. You put your phone down. "I choose you."

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