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"So, how is Dean?" Iris asks. You and Iris sit together in Jitters, sipping vanilla lattes together while making small talk.
"Good. He just got a new job."
"Greg's Auto parts."
"You know, I've never actually met Dean. Neither has Barry." You shrug your shoulders at this comment. It's not that you didn't want them to meet your significant other... just not this significant other. As much as you don't want to admit it, you don't even like him. He's rude, checks out other girls all the time, and is just a naturally horrible person. Why are you even with him? Wow, what a good question. "Let's all have dinner!" You almost choke on your coffee.
"Let's have dinner! At that Italian place downtown. Me , you, Barry, and Dean. It'll be so much fun, come on."
"I don't know, Iris..."
"Please!" You can't avoid this forever.
You and Dean walk in to the restaurant and take your seats next to each other, across from Barry and Iris. You begin small talk with them and Dean is very civilized, which surprises you.
You order your food and you're talking to Iris about her work. From the corner of your eye you can see Dean continuously checking out other girls in tight dresses at the open bar. You see him smirk at one. Every single time you pretend that you didn't see it. Iris was too deep in her conversation to notice, but Barry noticed. A scowl was painted on his face.
"I'll be back, I'm gonna get a drink from the bar." You nod your head and watch him walk over to the bar, where he leans against the counter top next to a girl with a group of girls. You turn back to Iris and Barry to see them staring at him too. When he comes back, 10 minutes later, he has no drink.
"Where's your drink?" You ask, calmly.
"Oh, uh, they were out of what I wanted." You nod your head quietly, knowing that is not the truth.
"Dude, that wasn't okay." Barry angrily states.
"Barry!" You exclaim, awestruck that he would make a scene like this.
"What wasn't cool?" Dean acts like he doesn't know what Barry is talking about, like he has done before when you brought it up and then he would accuse you of having a short leash on him and would say you were too clingy.
"You were just flirting with those girls over there!" Barry points out the group, to make his point. Dean looks toward the group then looks back.
"I don't know who those girls even are! I don't appreciate being accused! I think you are just jealous that Y/n found someone. Come on, Y/n, let's go." He pulls you by the hand towards the door. You look back at your friends' baffled expressions and mouth 'I'm sorry'.
When you get home from he ruined dinner, Dean turns to you and grabs your arms.
"I don't want you hanging out with Barry anymore."
"What but-"
"I don't want you around him. He's nothing. I'm your everything. If you don't, I'll leave. And we both know you are nothing without me."
"I've been friends with Barry for years, I can't just-"
"I don't care how long you've been friends! You are not anymore! Okay?!" He yells in your face and shakes you by your arms harshly. You gulp and nod your head.
You were walking with Iris on the sidewalk in downtown Central City. You come upon a park, where Dean sits on a bench kissing a girl. You gasp at the sight. Iris begins to look around frantically.
"What? What is it?... Oh." You feel tears well and your eyes and you begin to run away from your problems.
"Barry!" Iris walks into Barry's lab, on a mission. Barry jumps at the volume of her voice.
"What happened?"
"Y/n and I were walking downtown and we saw Dean sucking face with some girl. Y/n ran away. She's not at her apartment or at her job. I can't find her."
"Where does that dick work?"
Barry walks into Greg's Auto parts, his fists clenched tightly. In the back of the store, he finds Dean stocking a shelf. He grabs the back of his collar and pushes him against the wall.
"What the hell?" Dean yelps out.
"She saw you kissing that girl downtown!"
"What girl?"
"Don't play stupid, you know. Why were you with y/n if you were just going to cheat on her?"
"Because it was fun. I'm not the kind of guy to be tied down."
"So how many girls have you been fucking behind her back?"
"More than the one she saw."
"You're disgusting. If you even respected her you would have at least have the decency to break up with her first, you piece of shit." He lets him go and begins to walk away before he hears a quiet statement.
"What's there to respect? Sluts don't get respect." Barry turns around so fast, you'd think he was using super speed. He punches Dean with everything he has, knocking him out.
Barry spent two hours looking for you before he finally found you in the woods, sitting near a creek with a wet, tear-stained face. He sits down next to you, wordlessly. You look at him and scoot closer to his body. He wraps his arm around your shoulders, and you lay your head on his chest and begin to cry. He doesn't say anything he just holds you.
When you finally open your eyes, you look at his hand which is bruised badly.
"Oh my god, Barry! What happened?"
"I broke my hand."
"Doing what?"
"Punching the daylights out of Dean." You smile slightly.
"You didn't have to do that."
"Yes I did. For you I would do anything. He never deserved you. You're way out of his league anyway." The comments makes you smile for a second, but then your smile drops.
"Thanks, but I think he was out of mine." Barry grabs your face in his hands gently and forces you to look him in the eyes.
"No. You are the kindest, sweetest, most beautiful person I have ever met. You are in a league of your own, higher than everyone else. You don't need him. You are so strong. You can get through this, and you will. You'll find someone who is worth your time and will make you feel like your the only girl in the world."
"Like you?" He looks you in the eyes and begins to lean in. He brushes his lips lightly against your own, then deepens the kiss. When he pulls away, it's because you both need air.
"Like me."

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