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You loved Barry with all your heart. Being together for two years has been a roller coaster–including both the ups and downs of your relationship but the absolute lowest it has ever been was when he fell into a coma for nine months the night the particle accelerator turned on.
Everyone said he most likely wouldn't wake up. There were a few people who still held onto that hope that he'd recover and you were the one who was clinging to that idea the most. You couldn't lose him. It wouldn't be possible to just let go of your best friend and boyfriend. Moving on would be impossible after you'd already found the perfect guy.
You stayed by his side the entire time, though you were sadly forced to return home at the exact time that he finally woke up (since Cisco insisted that it was highly unlikely he'd wake up with the couple of hours you were gone to take a shower and eat a decent meal). But he woke up and immediately asked what had happened to you. The last thing he remembered was promising to bring you home some Big Belly Burger after he finished up at the lab.
Caitlin and Cisco were quick to sum everything up and Cisco knew he was gonna face your wrath at the fact that he was the one to convince you to leave at the same time Barry managed to awake.
Your hair was still wet when you rushed into STAR labs but you couldn't have cared less when you saw that Barry was there and he was very much alive and well. If you looked at him now, you never would've assumed this man was in a coma for nine months. He acted as if he had just awoken from a nap and now was rejuvenated and ready to pick up right where he left off.
"Y/n," He smiled, opening his arms wide and you instantly wrapped yourself up in his warm, comforting embrace. "I'm so sorry for leaving you."
You shook your head. This wasn't his fault; he couldn't have controlled the series of events that led him to where was he was now. All the mattered was that he was with you know and you were hell bound to make up for those lost months filled with worry and regret. "Just glad you're alright." You snuggled deeper into in chest. "Too bad you haven't got one of those cool lightening scars that happen when you get struck. You weren't cool enough to get one of those, I guess." You giggled when Barry pretended to be offended.
"Well I guess I'm sorry to let you down then. I'll try harder next time."
You pulled back for the embrace to glare at him. "There better not be a next time, Allen. You better run like hell if there's even so much as a thunderstorm approaching Central City because I'll be damned if you'll make me worry like that ever again. Now c'mon, Iris and Joe and been almost as worried as I have been so you've got to go see them." You intertwined your fingers with his, tugging him towards the exit, smiling at Cisco and Caitlin as a silent thank you for everything they've done. "There's so much you've got to catch up on, Bare."

Months went by and Barry had begun acting strange. He'd leave in the middle of a date after receiving some message and wouldn't have to guts to come up with any other excuses than, 'Caitlin needed to run a few tests and needed my help' or 'Cisco wanted to make sure everything was still going well after the particle accelerator incident'. It was becoming a bit ridiculous and very suspicious.
But he had promised you this one date where everything would be perfect. He wouldn't leave with some questionable excuse and swore that you would be his only concern.
"How about I go place our orders for coffee, my treat, but you have to pick them up since I have to go call Joe back before he thinks I'm flaking off of work today." Barry suggested and you quickly agreed, finally happy to have some quality time with Barry at Jitters. Five minutes later, you graciously took the orders when they were finished; his was a steaming cup of regular, black coffee, while you opted for a Mocha frozen coffee. The hot coffee warmed your cold hands while you waited for Barry to return back inside but it seemed like the warmth only lasted for thirty seconds or so before it felt the same temperature as your own frozen coffee.
You glanced down to see that it was frosted over and your entire body seemed to tense. This wasn't the first time this had happened. A few weeks ago, a glass of water had seemed to turn to solid ice while you were still filling it. This couldn't be a coincidence and you couldn't bear to tell Barry about this. He wouldn't understand; he'd just think you're crazy and would somehow convince you to see a therapist. You threw the now frozen coffees into the trash and dashed out of the side door so that you could slip away without Barry noticing and trying to catch you.
So much for that perfect date without anyone leaving or any interruptions.

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