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Your converse made a quiet noise against the linoleum as you headed to the familiar hospital like room in the building. When you opened the door you found Cisco already inside, leaning over the comatose victim.
"Here to hydrate the patient?" Cisco said, faking his best doctor voice. You chuckled and nodded.
"Yep. It's my job. To mother this.. You looked down at the young man in the cot. "Very very attractive man who may never wake up" Cisco rolled his eyes at you.
"You're a sick mother" He said, making you laugh as you picked up his clipboard and checked off the date for hydration. Then proceeded to hook up a water bag to one of your patient's many IVs. Cisco went back to his large desk of computers and... metal toys. I sat down at a folding chair I kept by the cot for while I was stuck watching over Barry Allen.
Since the night he was brought to STAR Labs, you'd been by his side. When Harrison assigned you the job you had cringed at the idea, but after the first few days you were thrilled to show up. You could come wearing comfy clothes, jeans a tee shirt with sneakers every day. Not to mention, he was a great listener.
Actually though, you sat and talked to him about everything. Not that it really mattered, but it helped you through a few problems. Getting out of a bad relationship, settling your nerves for your mother's remarriage, and just simple small talk. You usually arrived, said hello and told him what the weather is, then made simple talk about your night no matter how mundane. Cisco and Dr Wells would often walk in during one of your one sided conversations. Usually they poked fun saying a comatose patient doesn't care what color you painted your nails last night but you ignored them. You thought it was important for him to have some kind of connection to the real world.
Even if it was just little boring you, which you regularly apologized to him for. Not that he ever responded.
As time came and went, you began to wonder things about Barry. Sure, you knew his basic background, including his mother's death and his living with Officer Joe West, but you wondered the little things. Did he enjoy school? Was he a coffee or tea drinker? Did he prefer the snowy days and warm coco of winter or the late nights and parties of summer? When he wakes up, will he recognize your voice? In a strange way you had deemed the patient as your friend, even though you'd never spoken to each other, you found it easy to speak to him. You wondered if this was because your whole day you were stuck with him, or if he was just an easy to talk to kind of person.
On March 19th, you had been working on his charts when you noticed something on his file.
"Hey guys" You said, catching the attention of Caitlin and Cisco. "It's his birthday" Cisco clapped while Caitlin's brows furrowed.
"Oh come on Cait" Cisco said. "The dude's 26 today, let's celebrate for him" She just looked between you two like you'd tried to tell her santa was in the room.
"The guy's in a coma" She said, beginning to organize her work station. You looked down at Mr Allen, frowning. It was his birthday, and you couldn't do anything special for him. He didn't even know. He fell under as a 25 year old, and he would wake up as a 26 year old. It just seemed wrong, and sad.
"Caitlin" Cisco chuckled. "This is just an excuse to go to the bar and celebrate for... Barry was it?" You gave them a sour look.
"You're gonna use this poor man's missed birthday as an excuse to go get drunk?" You asked. Caitlin and Cisco looked at each other.
"Well... we'd be celebrating for him" She said. "And nobody said you weren't invited y/n" You half smiled, sitting in your chair by his bedside.
"No thanks" You said. "I think I'll just stay here and make sure everything's alright" Cisco smiled smugly at your response.
"Big surprise" He said, and your brows knit together.
"What's that mean?"
"Means you're totally in love with your patient, Dr l/n" You shook your head at his ridiculous accusation.
"That's crazy. You're crazy" You said with a roll of your eyes. You pretended to check his vitals, even though you already knew that they were all fine.
"Whatever you say, love doctor"
"Shut up" You muttered, staring at your feet.
"Okay okay, make sure he doesn't die or anything. But if something crazy happens hopefully we're sober enough to come back over and see what's going on" Cisco told you.
"Well what about Harrison?" You asked.
"He went home early. Something about a headache I don't remember" Cisco said.
"No, he was just done for the night" Caitlin said to you, putting on her coat. "Have fun with Mr Allen" She winked, to which you shook your head at them both before saying your goodbyes. When they were gone, and it was only you and Mr Allen in the building, you let out a long sigh.
"Happy birthday Barry Allen" You said quietly, picking at the bed sheets.
Eight months later
It was a normal day walking into work, your blue skirt swaying around your thighs and boots clicking as you carried four coffees into the building. One for Caitlin, Cisco, Dr Wells, and yourself. Sometimes the job of coffee fetching switched off, but it was most often you. You didn't mind it at all.
"Alright so Caitlin they didn't have your usual mocha so I settled on caramel I hope that's okay" You said as you entered the lab, turning around to close the door behind you, and being careful not to spill the drink tray holding all of the coffees. "It's what I usually get and it's actually pretty goo-"
When you turned you froze, the tray slipping off of your hands and crashing onto the floor, making a mess as everything spilled.
Barry Allen was sitting up in bed, and had been previously talking to Cisco before you made your dramatic entrance.
"Holy shit" You mumbled, swiftly grabbing paper towels and the trash can so you could clean up your mess. Your head going haywire. Nine months, it's been nine months and Mr Allen is awake. You briefly wondered if this meant that you no longer had a job at STAR Labs.
"Here let me help" You looked up from your frantic wiping to see your patient there, his eyes a brilliant and bright green. You quickly averted your gaze.
"That's quite alright Mr Allen, you probably need to rehabilitate yourself" You rushed out the words, throwing soaked towels into the garbage, along with now empty paper cups.
In seconds he had taken the roll of towels and wiped the floor clean. You just blinked, looking up quickly to him and then the others in the room.
"Barry here has had an extraordinary side effect to the lightning that had stuck his body as the particle accelerator blew up" Dr Wells spoke first. Your eyes widened as you looked to Mr Allen.
"So.. you have super cleaning abilities?" You asked. Cisco snorted aloud.
"No y/n, he's got super speed, like running and stuff" He said. You shook your head, trying to collect yourself so that you could think straight.
"Wait... wait I know you!" Mr Allen snapped his fingers as he himself tried to think. "You... you talked to me" He said, eyes narrowing as he pondered. You nodded, pushing your hair back behind your ear.
"I did, yeah. Oh I'm Doctor l/n, b-but you can call me y/n if you'd rather" You said, sticking out your hand. He grinned.
"Barry Allen" He responded, shaking your hand. "But you already knew that" You chuckled, standing up and continuously looking down to avoid eye contact for too long. It would make your heart begin to thump in ways that it shouldn't. Seeing that Mr Allen was still pretty much your patient.
"Yeah, yeah I did" You said, again having to push back your hair. "Look I'd love to talk to you, Mr Allen, but that's that guy's job," You pointed to Dr Wells, "-and I have more coffee to buy" You said with a half smile. "So I'll be back" You headed towards the door, and grabbed your purse and jacket.
"Well hey wait-" Mr Allen flashed over to you. "I want to come, you did kinda save my life after all"
"It's not in my jurisdiction to permit you to come-"
"Oh he should definitely go" Caitlin spoke up. "Get some normalities back into his life" You nodded awkwardly.
"O-okay" You stammered. "Well then uh, follow me Mr Allen" You said, already stepping out into the hall, and heading through the halls. Barry easily kept up with you though.
"You know you don't have to call me that, just Barry's fine" He told you, smiling as he stuffed his hands into his pockets.
"Alright then, Just Barry" You said cheekily, and making him chuckle.
"So how's your mom? Oh and your friend who's boyfriend kissed you when he was drunk" Your brows shot up as you looked over at him. "You-you told me about those things"
"Yeah just..." You trailed off for a moment. "I just don't... I don't know how to put this right" Barry waited patiently for you to finish. "Nobody else knows about that, so it's not something I really talk about often" Barry looked at you with pursed lips.
"Ah, so I know your secrets" He said with a growing smile. You rolled your eyes.
"I guess, but I really only have a couple friends" You said, making sure you weren't looking at him when you said it. Barry nodded.
"Well right now I've only got you" He said, and you blushed instantly.
The rest of the walk was quiet, but it was comfortable, thoughtful. Here and there you just sorta... looked at each other and smiled.
You always looked away first.

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