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Walking along the streets of New York City, my phone buzzes in my pocket.
Central City. The Flash. 10 million dollars.
I walk into a cafe called CC Jitters with a large manilla folder in my hand. I step into line and check my phone while standing there.
"Next!" I look up and walk towards the counter where a dark haired woman stood. I checked her name tag, Iris.
"What can I get you?"
"A to go coffee with a lot of vanilla flavoring."
"How much vanilla flavoring?"
"All the vanilla flavoring." I squinted my eyes with a smile at the Iris, who was now laughing lightly, with a sparkle in her eyes.
"Coming right up." I start to walk away but she calls me back before I can even take a full 2 steps. "Miss, are you new in town?" I raise an eyebrow at her, wondering how she could know that. "I've just never seen you around here before, and I mean everyone goes to Jitters. Even if you don't like coffee."
"Who doesn't like coffee?"
"Crazy people."
"Makes sense." I smile and chuckle. "But yeah, yeah I just got into town. Business. I'm Evelyn Masters." I extend my hand and she takes it and shakes lightly with a genuine smile. How is this woman so happy? She drops my hand, still smiling.
"Iris. Iris West. Maybe I can show you around town sometime, Central doesn't get many visitors anymore." I quirked an eyebrow at that.
"And why's that, exactly?"
"You know..." her voice drops All the meta-humans." Smooth, Iris, smooth.
"Iris!" A tall, handsome, brunette came rushing in. "I am so sorry I'm late I was at the station with Joe and I lost track of time. I'm so sorry." Wait. Backtrack. This is Barry Allen. This is the Flash. I had been doing research for the last 2 weeks and finally figured out who the Flash was. Barry Allen struck by lightening. In a coma for 9 months, then all of a sudden a red blur is being reported across town. He's cuter in person though. Such a shame he's gonna die soon.
"It's fine. Barry, this is Evelyn. Evelyn, this is Barry, my best friend slash foster brother." He gives me a cute little nerdy smile and a wave. I wave back, hesitantly. Time to put the flirt on, but the nerdy flirt. I'm dressed pretty nerdy anyway. I'm wearing an oversized gray sweater, black leggings, grey vans, and my black hipster/nerd glasses. Iris puts down my coffee and I picked it up and handed her the cash.
"Bye, Iris." I said quietly. I look towards Barry and tentatively smile and wave then walk out.
Iris punched my shoulder as I watched Evelyn walk out. She's pretty cute. Like puppy cute and person cute. "Ow! What was that for?"
"She's totally into you!"
"And how would you know?"
"Before you got her, she was making jokes and talking moderate volume, after you got here she was quiet and shy. She got nervous. She likes youuuuu." "
Yeah, okay Iris. Can we eat now? I'm hungry."
"You're always hungry."
"Ollie!" I said into my phone. Oliver Queen was my best friend slash arch nemesis.
"Hi... what name are you going by right now?"
"Eve. Evelyn Masters." No one knows my real name. Not even Oliver.
"Cute name."
"Better than that time my name was Amy Pond."
"...Fair enough."
"So what's the occasion?"
"What do you mean?"
"Ollie, you don't just call me to check in. What's up?"
"I actually am calling just to check in. Where are you?"
"Central City."
"Who's the target?"
"Does there always have to be a target?"
"You're right. So get this, my target is the Flash." There was a long silence before he spoke.
"Do not engage target."
"What? Why?"
"He's a... colleague."
"So you know this guy? Barry Allen?"
"Yes. Please don't kill him."
"10 million, Oliver."
"Eve. Who is trying to kill him?"
"I don't know. I got a text in NYC saying kill the Flash. I intend to do it, Oliver."
"Evelyn, do not eng-"
"Goodbye, Oliver."
"Evely-" I hung up. Oliver Queen, if you want a war, you'll get a war.

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