Chapter 10: A Night

Start from the beginning

The man asked the woman things like, "You're so cute. Where do you live?" and, "How old are you, cute lady?"

The man definitely thought that one costumer who was near them couldn't hear their conversation, but he was wrong. I could clearly hear the woman shivering as she couldn't respond to any of the man's words, she was truly scared she couldn't progress words, especially when the man held her hand and when he was about to touch her private part after leaning closer to her, that was when I snapped.

I turned around and choked the man from behind with one arm, his neck now between my arm and my other hand was holding his wrists at his back. For someone shorter, it was easy. He protested and tried to escape but my grip was too strong for him. He couldn't see my eyes but I was giving him a dead glare and whispered, "Molesting a young woman at night is a cowardly thing to do."

With that, I let go of his neck but still held his wrists behind, he looked at me with annoyed eyes and let out a grunt, his face already disgusting as it is. I continued to wordlessly staring at him deadly until he forced me to let go of his hands. He ran away after a small "tch".

After he left, the young woman seemed relieved as she sighed deeply, bowing down and thanked me. "Thank you so much. I didn't know what to do if you didn't help."

I smiled to her, "No problem. It wasn't at all a task, that bastard was weak. By the way, young ladies aren't allowed to go around at night alone, what are you doing here?"

"Actually, I'm a single mother. I was raped at the age of 20 and gave birth to a daughter at 21, now that I'm 28, my daughter is 7 years old. A surprise, isn't it?" She chuckled lightly.

Okay, that sent me to the edge and I was shocked, regretting that I thought she was still a highschool or college student when in reality she's older than me.

"I'm here to buy my daughter's craft supplies. She's very good at arts and crafts, you know? Her teacher ordered her to bring materials to make a balloon lamp but she forgot that she ran out of glue, so I had to buy it for her at this late hour," She continued, "What about you? You seem young, refreshing from tiring school assignments? Tomorrow's Sunday, shouldn't you be partying?" She asked as she picked up a bottle of blue. I shook my head, taking off my cap and pushed my hair back and wore it again.

"No, no. I'm in university and it's my last semester. I just happened to have insomnia and fresh night air is always my choice to relax when I can't sleep. I'm a night owl, that's to say. An all-nighter."

She then paid for the glue and we went outside. I saw my coffee dropped on the floor, probably because of the man earlier. I called the staff to clean it up.

"You're quite handsome," She giggled at me when we were about to say goodbye's. "Thanks again for helping me earlier. We forgot to exchange names, though. I'm Ellia, you?"

"I'm... Caron, and don't mention it, I don't want any people to experience bad memories because I know someone who's terrified by his own past of being raped."

"You do? That's bad," There was pity in her eyes as she said that.

That's because that person is my brother.

"Well then, Bella must be waiting for me, so bye!" She then walked away after waving at me. She was a pure woman, my brother would do the same if he saw someone molested in any place. He thought the same, that being raped isn't a light thing as it would change one's life, he knew because he had felt it, and he doesn't want people to experience the same.

My brother is like my role-model, unbelievably.


WOOOOoo OOO i need to appreciate Caron more so this chapter is in his point of view! <3 Hope you like it and please consider giving votes if you do!

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WOOOOoo OOO i need to appreciate Caron more so this chapter is in his point of view! <3 Hope you like it and please consider giving votes if you do!


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