The Cure

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It isn't everyday that you see a young man laying on the ground, insides where his outsides should be, face frozen in horror, eyes staring blankly into the night sky. It isn't everyday that you see a small girl covered in the flesh of her victims, sucking the blood off of her fingers, death and destruction overfilling her dead eyes.
This is just another day for me now. Just another horrible nightmare that I can't seem to wake up from. Zombies terrorizing innocent citizens, blood and guts smeared in every direction I turn to, being unable to stop myself as I dig into my next meal or watching from the sidelines as I kill just for fun. Watching, waiting, hoping that someone out there knows how to make it all stop, how to fix us all and make us normal again.
My family is missing, my friends are dead, everything I thought I knew about life has crumpled down all around me. Nothing makes any sense, the world used to fit together like pieces of a puzzle, but now, with one piece missing it is as if the entire puzzle is out of order.

"I don't believe this is as simple as a virus it would have to be more of a protein. Specifically a proteinaceous infectious particle, a prion. Not quite a virus, and not even a living thing, prions are nearly impossible to destroy, and there's no known cure for the diseases they cause."
"I need it in English Dr. Todd"
"Think of it like uh... mad cow disease! When a misshapen prion enters our system our mind develops holes like a sponge. The brain scans from those infected show similarities in appearance to a shotgun blast to the head."
"But can you make a cure?"
"Not yet, we are far from a cure, the prion must be attached to a virus or else it would not have spread as quickly...I need to know what the prion is attached to, but I need more specimen."
"Dr Todd, we don't have time to waste talking about possibilities, we need to find a cure before the citizens of the us turn on the government. So far we've kept this just under the radar, all of the people evacuated from those areas won't stay in the quarantine forever and once they get out this will be all over the news! If other countries hear about this disaster they may wage war to keep it off of their shores! We need a cure now!"

A cure isn't easy, it isn't as simple as they think. I can't just slap some magic potion together and ta-da everything's all better. No. A cure is time and patience. A quick moving virus could be anything from herpes to rabies.

The little short man in the vest screeched. I can't honestly say that I recall the mans name, he is really more of an annoyance than a "helping hand" as head quarters had put it.
"Yes Mr. Troll?" I muttered.
"It's Crow! It's Mr. Crow! We don't have all day professor it's time to get to work."
He's more of a time manager than a servant. Kinda like one of those annoying countdowns they show on television where the man is defusing a bomb and all you can hear are the numbers slowly ticking down to death. To think of it, he does look like a little bomb, short and round, little grey hairs slicked back on his head, beady red eyes. Ok maybe the red eyes is an exaggeration but the man had no business telling me how to do my job.

Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
Hepatitis viruses
West Nile virus (WNV)
Cytomegalovirus (CMV)
Human T-cell lymphotrophic viruses (HTLVs)
Parvovirus B19
Rhinovirus (colds)
Flu virus
Epstein-Barr virus (mononucelosis, or mono)
Type 1 herpes (cold sores)
Strep bacteria
Hepatitis B and hepatitis C
Cytomegalovirus (a risk for babies in the womb)
There are too many options to test them all, and who's to even say it all started with a human. The disease could have been transferred from an animal. It could be an evolved form of something so simple we'd never think of testing it, or it could be something new all together. The possibilities are endless. There isn't enough time.

"I need more men." I muttered looking over at the ticking time bomb "and more infected."


Seconds turned to minutes, minutes turned to hours, hours to days. It all seemed to blur together. Time means nothing anymore. The only thing that matters is that I keep moving. One foot in front of the other, left, right, left, right. Eyes straight ahead, locked on my body, locked on my goal. Keep up, keep track, don't fall behind the pack. Watch, listen, learn. Stay on track. Don't wander. Don't linger. Don't-what's that?
Light. Flickering orange glow inside that building. Fire? Could it be? Survivors?
No! Stay on track! Don't get distracted by such silly things, if you slow to look now there's more of a chance undead Chloe will see. Maybe just this once I can save someone by doing nothing. Just follow the pack Chloe, just follow your body.

What is sanity? What does it mean to be sane? The world describes sanity as a normal, healthy mind. That brings us to another question though, what is considered normal? Normal can't be and must not be what we see all the time or what we see most of. And normal cannot mean free of discomfort because to be human is to be in a constant state of discomfort. Normal is simply a figment of our imaginations made up by people above us. Normal is the laws laid out before us that we are expected to follow. Normal is not normal. Which brings us back around to sanity. If normal is just a figment of our imagination what is sanity? Does it also not exist? If so have I ever been sane? Have I ever been normal? Trailing a pack of rabid hungry zombies definitely isnt what I would consider normal or sane.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2017 ⏰

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