Bad Decisions

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Back when I was still a normal, living, breathing human being I had never left my small town. The world is a dangerous place or that's what my mother always told me. The world is full of thieves, murderers, and wild beast it's dangerous to leave our town. My mother had always been so paranoid of anything outside of her knowledge. Yet here I am, miles from home in a new state, a new world. I wonder if she ever could have imagined such a thing. Zombies tearing through towns causing havoc, hunger in their eyes. It seems that my life is just full of bad decisions, I could push the blame off on anyone but what would be the point? I'm the one who wanted to be a rebellious teen instead of doing what my parents asked of me. I'm the one who preferred to drink than to study. I'm the one who got so wasted that I couldn't defend myself from a little mutt. I didn't know that it would lead to all of this though. I thought that I would end up eating an ice cream, sobering up, and walking home. If I hadn't been bitten though, if I hadn't been drunk in that alley that very night, who would have gotten attacked by that little dog? Maybe my drunken memories are just warped but the zombie dog seemed stronger than a normal pup his size. Perhaps this would have all happened anyways? Not that it makes me feel any better, but maybe I didn't have to be the one who pushed the snowball off of the hill.

The hoard split smaller and smaller in size until there were only two or three in a pack. I don't believe I had ever walked so much in my entire life, yet undead Chloe showed no signs of physical exhaustion, no signs of slowing or stopping anytime soon. Hunger drove her forward, her remaining fingers curled into her palm, her legs trembled and shook yet she didn't falter. She remained upright, walking briskly, wind working against her, sun beating down upon her head. She is much stronger than I ever could have imagined myself being, my mind was already exhausted just from fighting off memories of the battle back at the state lines.

It felt like years before we finally came across the first town, it was as if it had been perfectly preserved in time. Unlike my home, it wasn't run down and destroyed, it was as if everyone had just vanished and the world stood alone. Zombie Chloe stopped and took in her surroundings, the sounds of other undead filled the air as they too, stumbled upon this perfect little town. A small child stepped out from around the corner of a building up ahead. He had curly brown locks, bright green eyes, his clothes were torn and bloody.
"Over here" he shouted waving his arms madly, the zombies turned their attention to him as he zipped back around the corner and disappeared. Undead Chloe took the bait and the chase began. She darted down the block, whipped around the corner, running at full speed. The boy stopped and turned back with a smile on his face before dashing into an old abandoned factory.
"This seems like a bad idea man, let's just let him go, we can find more food." She was having none of it. The two other zombies traveling with her jumped ahead and ran straight through the busted down doors and vanished in the darkness. Chloe followed.

Its too dark, I can't see two feet in front of me. How am I supposed to keep track of a mindless zombie in complete darkness?

I stayed as close to my body as I could, we followed the sounds of the boy as he made his way up the stairwell, his foot steps echoing loudly in my head.

This can't be good, why would a young child purposely lead a pack of zombies up to a roof top with no escape? Unless he had snapped and lost his mind there was no way he'd risk his life unless he had a plan. Something isn't right. This cannot be good.

A light up above blinded me, the kid stepped out onto the roof followed closely by the three zombies he had lured. I could hear shouts of encouragement as we grew closer to the doorway. This isn't good. Unaware of the uneasy feeling growing in my gut, Chloe dashed after him and exited the building onto the roof. A net promptly swooped her up into the air, leaving her dangling over the side of the building, twenty stories up. Laughter erupted from the group of survivors as they stepped out from behind their fort of cardboard boxes. They were all children, ages ranging from ten to sixteen, there were around six of them all together. The youngest boy had been the bait for their little trap.
"The government said they'd pay good money for live zombies! We have three of them now, we can buy anything we want!" One of the children shouted, clutching a small pocket knife to his chest, his smile stretching from ear to ear. I climbed up the rope and sat with my undead self, unable to help the situation in anyway, all I can do is sit and wait.

Is the government really paying people to catch zombies? Does this mean that they are working towards a cure? What do they plan on doing with my body? Will thy cut me to bits and study every inch of me? Am I going to die again before I can even discover what happened to my parents?

My mind raced, turning over option after option,  possibilities rushed my brain, my death played on repeat over and over again. It was all too much to handle. The daylight faded around me, the sun vanished behind a wall of darkness, uncertainty enveloped me as I stepped through the world and landed back into the blackness of the abyss.

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