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"Ugh look what the cat dragged in" selena said stopping in front of us and examining our outfits.

"Oh and would you look at that. its Cathleen. you made you come back? I mean that wasn't really necessary I thought of it as a lot less peaceful when you were hiding away wherever you came.

"One, that dress makes you look fat. sorry not sorry, but SOMEONE had to tell you that you look like an obese penguin, two, your an attention seeker who is just seeking for attention from the media and its honestly sick. three, you can go wherever YOU came from because your the one that started this argument therefore you are irrelevant so bye Hun" I replied before smiling and waving at selena.

"Whatever." selena said storming away into a crowd of people.

PHEWF! I said under my breath and wiping the sweat from my forehead.

Just as I thought i was safe, I saw a girl looking at me squinting her eyes as if trying to recognize me and then suddenly it hit her.

A shocked expression covered her whole face and you can see her basically shaking in her ankle heeled boots holding a red cup and staring at me glued to my face.

I'm busted. shit. now what? I can't let her find out!


Is cat at the party?

Maybe not.

I saw the girl texting on her phone with an expression that seemed kind of angry, but excited to see what would happen next.

What should I do?

I started to panic and shake.

I'm having a panic attack.

Everyone's face went blurry and the sound seemed blur out too and the only thing I could here is the sound of my heart beating incredibly fast and my breathe becoming louder and louder an heavier each time I let out air, as if I was running.

My hands trembled as I wiped the sweat off my forehead and my stomach twisted into a knot and my head started to pound.

I became dizzy instantly and I ran to the bathroom stumbling on my way there bumping into people laughing and dancing.

I stumbled to bathroom and took a look in the mirror.

All I could see was sweat trickling down my face, the look of fear in my eyes and my chest rising up and down due to the cause of my heavy breathing.

I heard someone come in and close the door..


I heard a lock.

My eyes widened and I stumbled to the wall tripping over my feet.

I heard footsteps coming closer.

"We know your in here." I heard a woman's voice say.

Then appeared the girl that was giving me weird looks. she appeared at the doorway looking at me with a sly look.

"Well. I think the REAL cat, would like to ask the same question." The girl speaking was a girl with light brown hair, a fair length and tall and slim.

"Who are you and why do you want." I asked.

"Courtney. now, tell me your first name." she said squinting her eyes.

"No. " I blurted out.

"No?" Courtney said stepping forward looking at me a bit more ticked off.

When Courtney took a step forward a girl with pale skin, red hair straight but with curled ends and emerald green eyes, came from behind her looking at me.

She looks just like me. it's the real cat.

Wow. boy Do we look the same.

"I-I- uhm " I stuttered searching desperately for words until I fetched inside my purse

"W-w-what are you doing?" Cat asked surprised .

"Just fetching some uhh." as I was in the middle of my sentence I saw a rope? what? Oh my gosh Ryan is so annoying he stuck a bunch of stuff in my purse to make me mad. he always does that ! I thought angrily until I thought of something.

It's bad but I mean what else can i do?

A plan hit me.

"WERE GOING TO CALL THE COPS SO JUST SAY YOUR NAME! AND WHY." cat said holding up her phone.

Then Courtney cracked her fingers and said "we can do this the easy way or the hard way."

"Okay okay! just don't call the cops." I said holding my hands out to stop them.

"Lets uh... hug it out" I said kind of confused with the words that came out of my mouth. I came and gave cat an awkward hug and when she pulled away I quickly punched her in the face.

I grabbed the rope and quickly tied it in a simple knot and then kicked her making her hit her back off of the sink.

"YOUR CRAZY!" Courtney said running for the door when I grabbed cat'a phone and it hit her in the head.

Courtney patted her head not noticing me come up behind her, I jumped of the ground, grunting as I kicked her in the back.

I took a deep breath thinking I was safe for a second when cat jumped on my back and grabbed my neck shaking me.

I stumbled backwards and then ran hit ting off the wall making her fall back.

I ran to the wall with the sinks and made eye contact with the soap container attached to the wall.

My hand, bloody and red managed to break it off the wall.

Courtney came charging at me and I turned around and hit her on the head with the container and kicked her into one of the stalls and she hit her head off of the toilet and passed out.

One down, one more to go.

Cat struggled to get up but kept falling over.

I hit her with the container and picked her up off of the ground and grabbed her head, smacking it off of the stall.

I kind of feel bad but what else could I do?

I grabbed the rope and ripped it in half tying them both up and laying them far away from each other in case they had any other plans up their sleeve. I looked around trying to find something to help when I found bolted shut door that was painted over in white paint to seem unnoticeable but the bolts were starting to break off.

I slid my fingers in the crack and pulled to the best if my ability.

My bloody hands kept making my hands slip but after ten minutes of pulling I opened it.

It was just an empty room?

But a great hiding place.

A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter😊


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