Pms on steriods

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In the car as we drove to the party I couldn't stop freaking out inside. what if someone finds out I'm not really cat?

I wiped my hand on my skirt and took a deep breath as we pulled into the parking lot.

"Ready to party hard?" Ashley said digging into her purse.

" drinks for me though tonight." I said smiling shakily.

"Are you serious Cathleen." Miley said looking at me with a disgusted look on her face.

"Did you just call me by my first name... Destiny." I said squinting my eyes. for some reason I actually felt offended that she called me... well .... cat, by her first name, but did I take it to far calling her by her REAL name?

"Excuse me? GET OUT THE CAR." Miley said slamming the door open and stepping out the car, totally p-ed off.

I got out the and looked at Miley dead in the eye. "what." I said really sassy.. maybe I was too sassy because Miley five stared me in the face and my fastest reaction was to kick her in the stomach with my heels on. she can't get anywhere near my hair!

"GIRLS GIRLS! " ashley yelled, stopping us from fighting

"We came here to have fun.

NOT to fight. I mean, I would love to see a fight just not you two." Ashley continued while chucking

"She's right." I said stepping forward.

"Yeah I'm sorry.." Miley said giving me a hug.

"Lets go have fun." I said walking into the entrance.

"What was that? is Miley's pms on steroids or something because one second she's happy, another second she wants to fight and then now she wasn't to hug it out and party?" I thought inside my head.

The party had music to bump to and people everywhere having fun. but guess who ha to be there? Selena Gomez. You'd think we would have no problem at all because I'm cat not Alissa, but no. she gives us all a dirty look and stomps right up to us with her ugly black heels.

One Less Lonely Girl (OLLG) Justin bieber fanfictionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang