Gas pedal

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"Yeah we're dating so you won't have to worry about finding her some weirdo" Ryan said chucking as I gave him a look that said "thanks a ton!"

"Alright well give your boyfriend a hug and kiss and let's go." Miley said looking at her white iPhone.

"Bye babe." I said awkwardly as I have him a hug.

He returned the hug and have me a peck on the cheek.

I was about to turn away when he grabbed me and pulled me close.

"do NOT blow your cover. text me if anything goes wrong and go along with anything she says. if people ask you questions about the past or your life, avoid them and try to break away from the conversation." Ryan whispered in my ear.

"Okay." I replied turning away, following Miley.

We walked a bit on the shore watching people water ski and do a bunch of cool water activities in the water.

" Oh I totally forgot, I have a friend with me, but trust me, knowing you as a party animal, you'll have NO problem with Ashley." we walked over to a girl Laying on a towel trading a 'people's' magazine wearing a magenta bikini and a white see through cover up sweater/dress that made her outfit very chic.

"Hey" Ashley said sitting up to greet me.

"Ash, this is Cat, Cat, this is Ashley." Miley said introducing us while crinkling her nose and squinting her eyes from the sun.

"Ugh lets get our of her I'm going to burn soon." Miley said while checking her arms and back for sun burns.

"UGH! I was just getting to the good part. do we really have to leave now?" Ashley said annoyed as she stood up gathering her things.

"Quit your complaining all that's been going on is, paparazzi taking stupid pictures and fans wanting pictures and autographs ever 5 minutes, its tiring so try being in my shoes" Miley rolled her eyes and checked the time on her iPhone

"Good thing the paparazzi doesn't chase me around." I said chuckling.

"Oh they will. your hanging out with Miley AND your going to a party. consider yourself open to the society" Ashley said nudging my arm

The thought of the society made my stomach turn.

What if the girl I'm pretending to be finds out I'm trying to be her?... oh my gosh! what if she's going to the party. I put sweaty hand through my hair and walked in the sand as the sand squished between my toes and into my flip flops everytime I took a step.

I have to fake sick. I mean, I have to do SOMETHING. this is NOT okay, and if I get caught, ill be in soo much trouble. faking someones identity will definitely give me time in prison.

"OW! MY-My OUCHH!" I said dropping to the ground clutching my stomach.

"THE PAIN! THE PAIN!" I yelped as the two girls turned around walked over

"What are you doing?" Ashley said laughing loudly

"Are you okay?" Miley said looking at me as if I was crazy.

"Uh no! I'm in pain... great great pain so I don't think I'll be able to go to the party so you an just take me home, ill be fine. .. you know what? I'll just walk" I said assuring and getting up.

"You know she's not THAT STUPID... right?" Ashley asked still laughing.

"Very funny. lets just go. " I said rolling my eyes and getting into the car.

Ashley turned on the radio as Miley drove and the song 'gas pedal' came on.

"THIS IS MY JAM!" Miley said pulling over into an empty parking lot.

"W-w-what are you doing?" I asked nervously

"REMEMBER WHEN WE USED TO JUST DANCE IN PARKING LOTS BEFORE I WAS FAMOUS?" Miley yelled over the loud music that was blasting from the car radio.

Miley stepped out of the car and started dancing

"Oh god." I said to my self as my eyes widened as Ashley jumped out to join her.

"Miley...don't twerk. whatever you do, do not twerk. " I Said to myself with my I fingers crossed looking out for people with cameras.

Then she did it. Miley made an attempt at twerking by wiggling her butt and bending over.


Ugh. I took a picture of the two dancing and sent it to Ryan.

Within seconds he texted back saying

"Mother of god."

A/N: how do you guys like this chapter?




Mwahhh! luhh you💕

One Less Lonely Girl (OLLG) Justin bieber fanfictionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें