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Justin brought me into a few stores until we came to another store and right when I walked inside my attention drew to this beautiful blue mini dress and it had one strap on the right side and on the back there was a hole shaped like a heart. I instantly fell in love with it..

"You like that one eh?"

"It's beautiful are you kidding?!"

I ran over to it mesmerized and then checked the price tag.

" 299.99?!" I gasped and then walked away from the dress.

"Where are you going?" Justin asked smiling

"I'm not going to let you pay THAT much just for a party."

"I'm buying you this dress. I know you love it." Justin said smiling as he grabs the dress off of the rack.

"Justin-" "your getting the dress so pick out some heels baby girl." Justin said with a wink

I flashed a big smile and looked around for a pair of shoes while Justin scrolled through his phone.

I finally found the right pair after 25 minutes. They were nude heels with a strap. They wee elegant and I liked them. I picked up the box and ran over to the isle Justin was in. I saw Justin talking on the phone and I walked up from behind him when I heard him saying

"Hey beautiful how are you?" I stopped dead in my tracks and my heart sunk to the floor. I just stood there and until I was able to say "justin?!" I was so hurt.

"Janelle this isn't-" I cut Justin off, "NO! I HATE YOU! have a nice date with your other girlfriend Justin!"

I threw the dress at him and my box of shoes. Justin grabbed my arm to stop me. I quickly turned around and slapped him hard across the cheek and everyone turned their head towards us,

"Don't touch me! Don't talk to me ever again okay! " I ran away with tears rushing down my face.

I ran out of the store and just kept running until I lost my breathe. Then it started to rain, first it wasn't too bad but after a while of waking it poured Down. My clothes were soaked too. The last choice I had was to hitch hike. I put a thumb out but then a car splashed me as it ran over a puddle

"Seriously?!" I yelled stomping. Suddenly my heel broke.

"Ughhh!! I hate my life!" I yelled throwing my purse. People walking looked at me with an odd look and I was so upset I just screamed at them.

"What are you looking at?! Keep walking!" I said screaming as I picked up my purse. I scrambled through my purse to find a bus schedule

When I found it I found out that there wasn't a bus running that day. I quickly had an idea to try and call a cab.

I pressed the home screen on my phone and my phone said 2%

"Crap!" I said loudly.

"Rough day?" A heard a voice say from behind me. I turned around to see a girl with very curly short brown hair, her complexion seemed as if she was mixed with black and white, she wore a black leather jacket and a pink, yellow and Orange tutu with rectangle like glasses and black and white converse.

"You don't even know the half!" I admitted.

"Let me guess..boy friend troubles, caught in the rain, no buses today, your phones dead and you have gum in your hair?" The girl asked with a smirk.

"Yes,yes,yes,yes I don't have gum in my hair.." I said confused.

"Oh, you must be having a bad hair day then." The girl laughed.

I patted my hair down in embarrassment. "I can give you a ride if you want? Plus I need to get away from my mom she's been in my face all day and she's really pissed off at the moment.

"Sure." I said smiling. We got into a small silver neon and drove to my house.

"My name is Maleah by the way, but everyone just calls me leah." Leah said taking a right. Turn and then into my driveway.

"Nice to meet you." I said looking out the window.

"What you don't have a name?" Maleah said smiling.

"Oh yeah sorry my bad. I'm janelle, nice to meet you." I said distracted.

"Wait. You sound familiar...that's it! Justin bieber has a girlfriend named janelle right? You kinda look like her too." Leah said scrunching her nose.

"That's because I'm that janelle....but Justin isn't my boyfriend anymore." I said looking down with watery eyes.

"Wait so you were the girl who totally slapped Justin across the face in the store?"

"Yeah..." I said.

"OMG you go girl!' Leah said giving me a high five.

"Well if you want, you can come in and'll get you away from your mom." I said smiling

"Leah made big eyes and smiled widely, "really?!"

"Mhm" I said getting out of the car.

A/N: Comment what you think below ;)


One Less Lonely Girl (OLLG) Justin bieber fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now