How far is far?

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I followed her into a big room and sat in the chair.

"Alright I'm taking your bands off and then you can go over to the sink over here and brush your teeth." she said pointing to a sink on her left.

After I brushed my teeth and stuff she x-rayed me and saw how my jaw was doing.

"Wow you must recover fast.... well since you recovered remarkably fast you can leave your bands off for a week and next week come back and if your still doing good the next week ill take the brace hooks off and you'll be free." the lady said in an Asian accent

"Okay." I said smiling brightly... my teeth felt different, they felt free and to have them off felt great.

After she dismissed me I walked into the front foyer to see Justin sitting with... with a girl.

As I walked closer and closer the face looked more and more familiar.

It was chantel. (if you don't know her, she is the model Justin's been hanging around with lately the one that was in the car when he was arrested and she got arrested before for stabbing someone)

"Uhm..?" I said standing in front of the two. chantel sat there with her piercing eyes that were full of hate as she gave me a rude look.

"Oh, Alissa this is chantel I kind of invited her over" Justin said scratching the back of her head.


"What?" Justin asked

"I-I-I remember everything... I remember you and me i remember you used to take me to the beach and and you liked to try and push me in and stuff and I remember you would take silly selflies with me and Justin I remember everything between us again! I can remember" I said standing there as everything just hit me my hands began to shake from all of the happiness rising in me as I smiled brightly.

Then I looked to my right to see Justin's friends kahlil and za.

"Cool." Justin said scrolling down his phone again.

"Cool?. I just remembered every little detail about what happened between us and all you say is cool?!" I said getting angry.

"Yeah. cool." Justin said scrolling even more

"LOOK AT ME! what's the matter with you why are you acting like this?!" I said as I snatched Justin's phone from his hands.

"Give me my phone right now! " He said annoyed

"No." I said holding it higher


I stood there and my heart broke into a million pieces.

"I...I hate you." i said throwing this phone at him as I stormed away.

"She's an idiot! she knows she can't get home by walking right? she'll never make it." chantel said laughing.

That was it.

I turned right back around and I went right into her face.

"You don't know who your talking about, I can get home on my own dont think I can't but since you mentioned it, why are you here? To hang with mr. douche bag over here? no you just want attention and you just want money since your modeling career isn't giving you much attention. oh buy wait, don't you have to be pretty to be a model or were you just exceptional? I don't know but in your criminal mugshot you had no makeup and may I say, wow. I can't believe I'm saying this but Lindsay Lohan's face with Amanda Bynes' wig looks better than you...oops sorry not sorry." I said before I walked away out of the building leaving them starting at me blankly.

I had enough. ENOUGH.

"Where are you going Alissa?!" I heard meleah tell from behind me.

"I don't know... but I'm leaving far and I'm not planning on coming back..." I said after I turned around letting the wind blow in my face making my hair go in my face as I squired my eyes.

"what do you mean far Alissa?"

"Far... Meaning another country..." I said looking around .

"You can't! Alissa wait!" meleah said trying to walk up to me but I ran before she could even get close. I can't stay here. I don't know where I'm going but in going far and I'm not going to stop.

One Less Lonely Girl (OLLG) Justin bieber fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now