A bright light

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Alissa's POV

First I put on black eyeliner on the top of my eye lid and a little bit on the bottom. Then I carefully put black mascara on my eyelashes extending my eyelashes making them Look really pretty and long.

Just that made my eyes pop. And just to top it off I smeared on my cotton candy lipgloss again.

Next I put on a purple t-shirt that said "I love you Justin!!" In neon green glue and on the back it said "make me the OLLG please <3" in pink. Then I wore white shorts and on the back in purple marker on one pocket it said 'j' and on the other 'b'

Then I slipped on my purple supras.

After I got dressed I curled my straight brown hair and put a purple and white bandana on.

"Knock knock." My aunt deb said walking into the bathroom as she saw me starting into the mirror.

"You look amazing sweathart." My aunt said leaning on to the wall smiling.

"Thank you aunty deb...but I just hope Justin will be impressed if he ever sees me..I do have front seats I just hope he will notice me."

"Trust me he will be impressed...now I can complement you all day but we really need to get going." My aunt replied tapping her watch implying that we need to leave because we're running out of time.

"Already?! I'm so excited." I said jumping up and down hopping back into my sisters rusty car getting back my fluttery butterflies.

"You ready?" My aunt said as she began to drive Aleah's car because she was so tired from driving before.

"Am I ever?!"

We jammed out to Justin's songs singing loud when all of a sudden the car started to slow down. I turned down to music and looked at my aunt.

"What's going on??" I asked worried. She turned to me with eyes full of sympathy.

"I'm so sorry...the car broke down."

Tears rolled down my face.

"Nononono! This can't be happening!" I got out of the car and started pacing back and forth crying as my aunt checked out the car. I tried to call Aleah but there was no cell phone connection.

"Of course!....ugh I knew this was too good to be true!" I muttered as I walked to my right kicking a rock across the pavement rode.

Then an extremely bright light shun making my eyes squint as I turned around.

Then I saw a figure walk out of the large truck he was wearing white supras, and a white shirt with leopard print short sleaves and sunglasses.

I stood there in disbelief....it was...

A/N: cliffhanger 😊 sorry guys! So comment below how you like the story so far.


One Less Lonely Girl (OLLG) Justin bieber fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now