The One I Love..

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A/N: were getting so close to reaching 1000 reads EEEK!😩❤

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What was happening to me? I could hear things and I could feel things but yet I couldn't move and I was still sleeping....what did Justin inject me with?

My stomach was filled with butterflies and I started going crazy inside I was overwhelmed and afraid I could hear doctors and I knew Justin brought me back inside the hospital and eventually I was returned to the hospital room.

I wish I could just scream "DONT OPERATE ON ME!" but I couldn't..

The girl nurse was so rough with my I must have really made her mad after I punched her, she pressed the mask on hard and turned it up a notch.

I felt like I couldn't breathe again and every time I breathed out with my mouth the mask would come off a little bit so the lady pushed hard on it and held it down.

Eventually my eyes began to wander and rolled to the back of my head..

********hours of operating*********

I woke up in the hospital bed..

"Hey how are you feeling.." Justin asked

I went to open my mouth but it wouldn't open it was wired shut... I didn't think it would be this hard to open and when I tried to open it, it would hurt really bad. tears streamed down my cheeks from the overwhelming pain in my jaw.

I clutched my jaw and moaned.

"Alissa it's okay! you'll get used to it. And you will learn how to talk with your mouth closed." Justin said wrapping his arms around me and planting a kiss on my forehead.

"Get off me!" I managed to mumbled through my gridded teeth.

"What's wrong?" Justin asked hurt.

The nurse walked in and handed me a piece of paper and a pen to write on for communication.

I wrote down quickly


JUSTIN'S POV***********

My eyes just started at the words that Alissa wrote and my stomach turned and I began to get really hot very quickly, I stepped away from the paper and started at Alissa blankly and her face soon went blurry from the tears forming in my eyes..

I tried not to cry and say something but it was as it someone was holding on to my words and there was the pain in my throat that just made me cry even more...

She didn't remember me?...

The person I love....doesnt even remember me...

That was it my knees became weak and I fainted, collapsing to the floor.

Kind of a short chapter but I wanted to

Update today


Luh you💕

One Less Lonely Girl (OLLG) Justin bieber fanfictionOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant