Wall street

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I ran as fast as I could until I lost my breathe. I stood there with my hands on my knees breathing heavier than ever.

"Are you okay miss?" a man asked looking at me oddly.

"Yeah I'm-IM fine." I said out of breath. I grabbed my iPhone from out of my purse and dialed a taxi cab number

"Hi can I get a cab on Elmer's street, to...uh....Florida?" I asked unsure of where I was going to go

"Sure a cab will be there in fifteen minutes." an Indian voice responded.

After the man hung up i dialed my friend Ryan's number.

"Hey Ryan it's Alissa," I said into the phone
"Hey liss! I haven't talked to you in a long time how are you doing?" he asked excitedly

"Uhm.. well it isn't going very good and that's kind of what I wanted to talk to you about." I said awkwardly

"Really? I Thought ANYONE who was dating Justin Bieber would be doing great." Ryan said chuckling

"Well we aren't together anymore that's the thing.... and I'm trying to get away and the first place to run to was I have no idea why but, Florida...and you know how when you were younger you were a bit of a nerd and could... you know change what a person looks like, like give them a new look?... Well I was wondering If you could do that to me." I replied

"Woah lissy, that's a big step I mean Florida AND a new life all at the same time? I don't know... plus I haven't done that stuff in years!"

"I don't want a completely new life I mean I just want a new face so nobody will talk about me and Justin can't find me... I'm in tabloids everywhere and they won't go away I'm constantly hiding from the paps Ryan you have to help me! please." I begged

"Fine. do you remember my address?"

"Yeah" I said walking near the road where my cab was pulling up.

"Alright I'll see you then... bye Lissy I love you."

"I love you too Ryan" I said hanging up the phone.

" 1121 Wall Street." I said smiling

"That's in Florida are you nuts?" the man said with a jersey accent

"Yeah... I'm completely nuts but I need you to take me there " I said surely

****A million years of driving later***

We drove into the drive way and I stepped out while Ryan stepped out of his house with a big smile across his face.

"RYAN!' I yelled wrapping my arms around him

"LONG TIME NO SEE LISSA!" Ryan said picking me off the ground

"You look so different! You look amazing have you been working out?" I asked feeling his arms

"Haha a bit." he said smiling as he directed me into his house....

A/N: okay stuff is getting weird BUT I had really bad writers block but now I'm good and STUFF IS ABOUT TO GET INTERESTING

Ill give you a hint of what's happening okay okay, A tiny one

Another famous celebrity that like everyone knows is going to be in the story.



One Less Lonely Girl (OLLG) Justin bieber fanfictionNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ