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I had finally gotten home to my own house by 6, mom was trying to make amends with me by making my favourite dinner and cleaning the house, I mean really cleaning. There was nothing left, nothing personal.

"Hi sweetie, I- I made your favourite, chicken tikka!" She said trying her best to not sound nervous. I didn't know if I was able to forgive her yet but I had to try.

"Thanks" I said, plainly.

A little cold shoulder couldn't do any harm.

"How was school?" She asked as she dished up our food.

"I didn't go today, I spent the day at Doctor Cullen's, he's helping me with some stuff" I said, I'll admit I was trying to make her feel like she didn't know something because the reality of it was that she didn't, she definitely didn't know anything.

"Oh like what?" She asked as we sat in our practically empty kitchen, she was starting to shake and twitch, all symptoms of cold turkey. I knew this look all too well. I took the dishes from her trembling hands and dished out plates, she wiped some sweat off her head.

"Just some stuff, nothing serious" I said simply once again. I wasn't going to just come clean and tell her I'd been experiencing weird things such as being able to see people's lives through their eyes, or being able to mind travel to dead people. No, she didn't need to know this.

"Oh- okay, hey listen, I was thinking we could move some place new: maybe somewhere sunny, huh?" she smiled eating her food.

"What! No" I said quickly. I wasn't leaving Edward. No way, I just got him.

"Why not, it could be a fresh start for us?" She smiled again, that fucking smile. The smile that meant 'everything's fine if you act like it is', when in reality everything was far from fine.

"I don't want to leave forks mom" I said.

"I just don't see why? I mean we don't have anything here" she said shrugging her shoulders.

"I do, I have friends and- I- Edward" I said this time standing from the table. I'd lost my appetite.

"What's going on, why the sudden change of feeling. You would have said yes a week ago" she said following me into our hallway.

"A week ago you weren't on drugs!" I shouted, she put her head down.

"A week ago I wasn't crying to some guy I just met because I was afraid my mother was going to die, a week ago I wasn't put in this situation" I said, though my voice had lowered I was still very angry, what did she think? That everything would be fine and we would forget this.

"Listen I know you must feel-

"No you don't know how I feel" I said cutting her off. I couldn't believe her.

"Fine! What about the reservation, with Ally" she asked trying to compromise. I thought about it, the Rez was okay, I mean technically it was still forks, and it was nice there too. Close to-

"Fine" I said as she smiled, she opened her arms testing me to see if she could hug me.

"I don't like hugs, you know that" I said but leaned in none the less.

"Mom, promise me something" I whispered as she hugged me.

"Anything baby" she said.

"Don't do it again, ever" I said.

"Never baby, I'm sorry" she squeezed me tighter before kissing my head. I headed upstairs to shower and get ready for school, finally going back.

"Hey, good witch in an hour?" She smiled as she went to sit at her computer, to look for a new house I'm guessing. I nodded and walked up to my room.

Different - Edward Cullen Book1 & 2Where stories live. Discover now