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"I love this song!"

"Me too!"

"Wanna drink?"


That was basically the go down of our night. We'd dance to every song claiming drunkly that it was our favourite and work up a sweat. We'd take turns going to the bar for drinks. So far I'd spent 15 dollars. Basically, there was a group of men buying us drinks because we'd flirt with them, only as soon as they bought us a few drinks we'd love on to the next people, all while Raygan, Reggies brother laughed.

I'd lost Reggie at this point, I was stuck between sweaty bodies and horny old men, but I danced anyway. I wasn't really paying attention to my surroundings but as the high of alcohol faded, I realised I'd been with out Reggie for almost an hour. I was starting to worry, she was my ride home. I stumbled to the bar where Raygan was serving drinks to under people and patiently waited for him to notice me.

"Ria! Hey what can I get you?!" He shouted over the loud music, I leaned forward so he could hear me better when I spoke.

"I can't find Reggie, I haven't seen her in about an hour!" I shouted back.

"Reggie's gone home, Daren picked her up about a half hour ago! She was getting sick in the bathroom!" Raygan shouted as if I had already known. This was bad. I was in port Angeles. A taxi back to forks from here would cost atleast 50 bucks and I didn't want to spend that kind of money, nevermind being alone in the taxi with a, most likely, creepy driver.

"Hey, you okay?!" Raygan shouted again, I smiled and nodded, I wasn't his problem, I wasn't even supposed to be in here anyway.

"I'm gonna go!" I shouted, Raygan leaned down behind the bar and handed me my clutch and leather jacket before smiling sadly at me.

"I'll see you around kiddo, no doubt you'll be over at my moms with Reggie!" He leaned across the bar and kissed my head. Raygan was a kind soul. He definitely treated me like Reggie, as if I were his sister and I looked up to him like a big brother. I waved goodbye and tried to steadily leave the club. I smiled as I walked by the bouncers; max and Tristan.

"Night guys" I smiled.

"Need a taxi Ria?" Tristan asked as he hailed one in, I shook my head and thanked him and began walking to god knows where. It was almost 2 in the morning so there was no hope of a bus, and mom would be asleep. My only hope was- no I couldn't, he wouldn't be awake and even if he was it was my responsibility. I walked toward forks and hoped I'd make it home before the cold got me, I was still a little drunk but the cold air of the night was sobering me up. As I walked I made it as far as the Forrest road that lead to forks. It was dark and scary and I was second guessing my plan to walk home. I stood for a minute thinking up my choices, no taxi had passed me in the last 15 minutes and walking back into port Angeles wasn't a option. It had taken me almost a half an hour to get this far. I pulled my phone from my bag and let my finger hover over Edwards number before softly pressing it.


"Hi Edward it's- me"

"Ria?, is everything alright?"

"Uh- no, Reggie- she uh- she left me in port Angeles and I thought I could start walking home but I- I don't know where I am an-"

"Stay where you are- I'll come and get you"

"Thank you" I whispered. I don't even know if he heard me, because he hung up so fast. I felt like I was going to be scolded when he comes, he sounded so disappointed.

I definitely had a bone to pick with Reggie. I was so mad at her for leaving me here, stranded and not even telling me she was leaving. I don't know who I'm more mad at, her or Daren. He was supposed to come pick us up and yet he left me. I mean I know Reggies his girlfriend but what about me.

Different - Edward Cullen Book1 & 2حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن