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"So how was school?" My mom asked as she placed 5 heavy bags of food down on our kitchen table where I sat eating cereal and reading a magazine.

"Uh- cool" I smiled, I had been home almost 2 hours and soon I'd be starting my first job in a grocery store in Port Angeles. My mom had gotten me the job from her boss Charlie Swan, he knew everyone around Forks.

"Good babe, make any friends?" She smiled, she was a receptionist in the local police station, she worked with Charlie Swan. He was looking for a new receptionist and mom applied, she was the only person to apply so easily she got the job.

"Uh- yeah" I nodded, Daya could be my friend. She invited me to sit with her group at lunch after the whole incident with Edward, but only so her friend Jessica could pry me of the details.

" how do you know Edward?"

"I don't, he had mistaken me for someone else, easy problem"

"Nope, I don't buy it, Cullen doesn't just speak to anyone, he wouldn't even speak to Bella. He took a year off school when Bella was assigned his partner, what makes you so special" she snarled.

I could tell this Jessica girl didn't exactly like me, or maybe it was jealousy of Edward speaking to me as the new girl. Daya had said Edward had denied her too many times to count. Jessica clearly liked Edward but he simply didn't notice her.

"Well, yeah that's it" I smiled a tight smile, what else could I say. I didn't even know what happened, how was I supposed to justify to her.

"Good, what time do you start work?" She smiled, I couldn't wait to start work. I'd been told I would be a checkout girl. The easiest job ever, sitting at a desk and pricing times up, literally the easiest thing I could be doing.

"6" I washed my cereal bowl before heading upstairs to dress in my red and black logoed work shirt. The uniform wasn't much, just wear any form of black pants and the shirt and your fine so I decided to keep my jeans on.

"Okay well I'll drive you soon, I met Charlie's daughter today. She's really nice, said she was in your form? Have you met her yet?" My mom was trying to make me some friends, but honestly, I was fine on my own. No one bothered me the rest of that day. For my free classes I went to the library and did my homework and got another coffee, it was fine and I didn't mind not having company.

"No- my forms really big mom" I smiled before leaving her to herself.

I could tell my mother was only trying to help but I didn't want it. I closed my bedroom door and pulled out my shirt before dressing quickly and retying my hair. As I sat there with nothing to do, I couldn't help but think who was Ella? Why did Edward think I was her? Was he okay after that little breakdown?



"So how do you find it being back Eddie?" Emmett asked, I had been in the office all morning signing things to say that I was officially back and wouldn't be taking any time off after. Carlisle had been called also as my parent, he wasn't very impressed that he'd been called out of work.

"Terrible" I replied, so far I'd been to 1 class, and now lunch. Alice had been very quiet which was quite strange as she's normally very happy and bouncy. Her mind was very plain and bare which was also unusual. I could sense she didn't want me knowing what she was thinking.

"Hey, there's that new girl" Emmett pointed. I'd heard that there was a new English girl moving to Forks, but I hadn't seen her yet. Turning in my seat my non-beating heart stopped. She was average height, had brown dark thick hair and a curved body. Just like before.

"Ella" I found myself whispering. Before I could stop myself I was speeding towards her, Alice behind me trying to stop me.

"Ella!" I shouted, still she stood in line picking up a tray of food.

"Edward stop" Alice's voice chimed, she tried grabbing my arm but I pulled away from her. My wife was here, she was back and she was right here in front of me.

"Ella!" I shouted before I finally got to her, I found my arms wrapping around her, like they used to. Her body stiffened beneath me and her breath hitched.

"Edward, that's not her" Alice whispered, I could feel her hands pulling me off Ella. My Ella.

"Uh- my nam- I'm Ria" a small girl whispered, her voice was different, her smell too. She starred at me wide eyed and while Alice spoke to me, but I couldn't focus on my sister, I starred down at the woman in my arms. A woman resembling my wife starred back.

"I'm sorry" her soft yet heavy voice spoke. I slowly let go of her, he small frame shrinking back away from me.

Alice began to pull me away as I starred at her. I pushed away from Alice and ran in human speed towards my car. I had to get out of here. I hadn't noticed how her blood called me. How she smelled, not only of vanilla and strawberries but her blood of champagne and nicotine, a balance that sang to me, calling me to drink it.

"Edward!" Jasper shouted as he and Emmett ran towards me, but I was already in my car, I had to get out of here. I drove as fast as the small parking lot would let me before heading somewhere different

Different - Edward Cullen Book1 & 2Where stories live. Discover now