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I had made my way all the way to town on the bus, which wasn't as crammed as it usually is, thankfully. All while thinking of Edward, and I didn't know why I was. I was going to surprise mom with lunch and hopefully have a girly talk about what was happening with Edward and everything because with the move and settling in, mom and I hadn't found much time to chat like we always did. We were very close, probably too close for mother and daughter.

I spotted a small Asian cuisine across the street from a beauty salon, I thought it would be nice to pick out some nice nail polishes and stuff for mom and I, or maybe it was so she wouldn't be mad at me for skipping school on the second day. The store was small but all the while filled with beauty products. I had a nac for online shopping so I knew I wouldn't be tempted to buy all the junk in here, I picked up 5 pastel coloured nail polishes and 5 darker colours. Mom loved painting her nails, it was like a Costello girls ritual, to eat ice cream and do our nails while we gossiped and chatted. It seemed boring saying it out loud but it was the company that made it great.

"Hi, just these please" I smiled, the lady at the counter whore a lot of hippy clothing, she looked cool.

"11 dollars and twenty cent" she said boredly, as if she wished to be anywhere else. I counted out the change in my purse before handing her a 10er note and some coins. I thanked her even though she didn't reply, I didn't believe in being rude to someone because they are to you, that was lowering yourself to someone's level- which my grandfather thought me never to do. I made my way to the food place across the street and had to look at the menu for at least 15 minutes before ordering. For mom I ordered a duck and noodle box with some spicy weird sauce I'd never heard of, and for me I ordered chicken and rice with sweet chilli sauce, my favourite. I paid the amazingly cheap price for the food and stole a menu to show mom for the times we could order in- this place definitely had the potential to make it onto our movie nights.

I walked the 10 minute walk to the police station while hoping the food wouldn't cool. I noticed the many fancy cars that parked outside the station before seeing moms tiny jeep. Even though it was small, it was my favourite car ever. It made me feel superior to others because of how high off the ground you are when inside. I made my way to the glass door noticing mom at her desk and some police officers wandering the station. I smiled and waved awkwardly at her trying to get her attention.

"Ria? Hi!, what are you doing here?" She smiled standing at her desk. I noticed chief swan making his way towards me, a girl my age following him.

"I- uh thought I'd surprise you with lunch" I smiled, I didn't want to get mom in trouble with chief swan so I looked towards him as if asking was my presence and idea okay.

"Oh- yeah Ash go take a break, you've been working harder than anyone else here" he smiled, the end of what he said was said louder as if he was actually hoping the other officers would hear him. They all simply put their heads down while trying to look busy. Key word trying.

"Thanks Charlie, oh Ria this is Charlie's daughter Bella, she's in your class remember I was telling you?" She smiled while taking all her belongings and walking to my side. Bella smiled awkwardly at me before raising her small hand and waving.

"Hey" I smiled before nodding to my mom for us to leave. I hated meeting awkward people, they made me feel awkward for no reason just for the simple fact that they are awkward. I'm sure Bella was really nice but she was way too awkward for me.

"Thanks Charlie, I'll be back in an hour, try not to burn the place down" mom smiled. I rolled my eyes laughing, poor Charlie look like he wanted the ground to swallow him up. Mom has obviously been flirting with him since she started, that's probably how she got the job but Charlie didn't seem like a flirty kinda guy, which made mom look more evil in my eyes. Poor guy didn't know where to look let alone respond.

Different - Edward Cullen Book1 & 2Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora