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As I shut my locker door, I made my way towards the front of the store ready to leave, ready to be comfortable at home. There was a new season of Good Witch on Netflix and I couldn't wait to watch it. My mother had text me earlier and told me that she wouldn't make it to pick me up so I was to get the bus and she'd have her homemade soup ready for me. It had began to rain shortly before we closed the store.

My first day had been amazingly easy, my boss, Alex was a guy who lived on the reservation, the store mainly sold organic stuff and handmade stuff. Alex was nice and didn't really speak or interfere with me unless needed. He was happy enough to let me read when no one was in the store. He asked me to clean the registers and the floor when the store had closed, other than that he had left me be. A woman named Liza also worked here but she mainly packed and ordered everything for the store. All together there were 5 of us. Alex, Liza myself and 2 boys who worked other shifts.

I said goodbye and thank you to Alex and Liza and made my way to the bus station, it was nearing 10 and the rain was slowly fading. I plugged my ear phones into my phone and played some music on low as I stood at the bus stop. My grey camo jacket was wrapped around me and my hood was up as the wind picked up.

The journey home wasn't too long, all I could think about was soup and good witch waiting for me at home.

"Mom, I'm home!" I shouted as I shook off my coat and hung it in our hallway. There were several new additions to my home as I entered it, there were 4 different types of plants all in our hallway making the house feel more like our old one.

"Hi babe, soups just ready, go set up the tv and get your pjs on" she smiled from the kitchen.
I wandered upstairs and stripped from my jeans and work shirt. I turned on my fairylights and put on my pjs, a pair of light pink bottoms and a grey shirt. I quickly removed everything from my hair and face before running downstairs with my school bag. I had some assignments due at the end of the week that I wanted to start.

"How was work?" My mom asked as I plopped down onto the giant plush sofa before wrapping the blue blanket around myself and setting the tv up.

"Good, not much to do which is my kind of job" I smiled, I opened my books and started to write out ideas of assignments that I was given.

"Good, here eat up, it's cold" I smiled before throwing my books to one side not needing to be told twice, anything to get out of doing homework. Mom pressed play on the tv and soon we'd gone through 3 episodes and it was almost 1 am. I had school tomorrow and I couldn't be late again so I decided to go to bed, mom stayed up watching on in the series.

"Night mom! Don't spoil the series for me!" I shouted as I wandered up the stairs with a blanket wrapped around my. I found my eyes growing heavy as I fell onto my bed. I must've been really tired because for a minute I thought Edward Cullen sat in the corner of my room.

"Ria, honey, wake up"

I rolled over in my bed, my cosy bed that didn't want me to get up. I smiled seeing as the light cracked through my shutters, the weather had picked up meaning today might not be so bad.

"Mornin-" I muttered before yawning. My mother stood with a mug in her hand by my door smiling softly at me, all her rings on her hands making her hands look small.

"What time is it?" I smiled leaning up, last night was the best nights sleep id gotten.

"A little after 6, I'm making banana pancakes" she smiled before leaving me.

I didn't have to leave until 7 which gave me so much time to relax before school.

I yawned and stretched before going to the bathroom and cleaning myself up. I quickly straightened my hair and clipped parts of it up before heading back to my room, I opened the shutters and my window before walking to my drawers and wardrobe to find clothes to dress in. The weather was still cold but the sun was shining so it gave me hope of a good day.

I dressed in light washed denim skinny jeans and a white loose t shirt with a cream coloured jacket, I slipped on some brown boots that had a small heel. I slipped on some jewellery like always and grabbed my phone and school bag before heading downstairs.

"You look nice babe" my mom smiled as she watered the plants in the kitchen while a small breeze whipped through the house.

"Thanks mom" I smiled sitting at the counter. Mom and I sat eating and talking until we had to leave, mom dropped me off at school before heading to work.

As I walked to classes, daya had accompanied me to some and others I was alone, well not alone, some people stared, again.

I had a free class now because I didn't take sports or art. I found myself at the coffee shop again. I sat at the counter this time only because the girl serving me had continued the conversation with me.

"So, you're the new girl" she smiled as I rolled my eyes playfully.

"Yeah I guess" I smiled while sipping my coffee. Reggie- who I had come to know, was very nice and had invited me to hang out with her whenever I wanted, she even gave me a loyalty card which would lead up to free coffees.

"So is it true?" Reggie smiled, I didn't exactly know what she was asking but from my facial expression, reggie knew she needed to be more specific.

"That you and Cullen used to date?" I was shocked to say the least.

"N-no I've never met him until now" I was shocked that she said that, that meant other people were implying that that was what happened- rumours were obviously spreading.

"Oh- yeah Jessica- you know that curly haired girl- she told Ben who told Jenna who told me" she smiled as she served another customer.



"Hey it's almost lunch- I'm gonna go speak to Jess" I smiled though Reggie knew it wasn't a happy smile. I couldn't believe that bitch was spreading rumours like wildfire. Even after I'd told her I had never met Edward before in my life.

"You go girl" Reggie laughed as I walked toward campus. It wasn't hard to spot Jess, she was sitting at her table with all her little friends who followed her like lost puppies.

"Jessica!" I said as I stood behind her, Mike who I recognised from my math class, noticeably gulped.

"Oh, Ria, hi we were just talking about you" Jess smiled a fake smile.

"Yeah about that, stop. I don't care what you think about me but keep my name out of your mouth" I said, it came out more threatening than I intended but I didn't like her, and I think she finally knew that.

"Well uh- "

"No- keep my name out of your mouth- stop spreading rumours about me and anyone else for that matter, no one likes a gossip" I said as she flushed in embarrassment. She deserved it all and I didn't even feel bad. I didn't stay to see her reaction, I sped out of the cafeteria and toward my locker. I didn't want to stay here for the rest of the day so I decided I would go visit mom with lunch and maybe she wouldn't be mad at me for skipping school.

"Excuse me" a voice spoke as I opened my locker. I turned toward the voice. It was him- he looked so much more different than he did yesterday. His jaw was more defined, not a single flaw on his face.

"Hello, I'd like to introduce myself, formally. And apologise, for yesterday" his voice spoke, not one word was cracked.

"Oh- uh that's not necessary" I spoke.

"No, it would be rude of me not to. I'm Edward Cullen, I'm sorry for, touching you and springing myself on you like I did, I can't begin to explain what came over me." He spoke. All while his hands were in his pockets, he seemed stiff and uncomfortable but all of that made him very attractive.

"Well- thank you I guess, I'm Ria" I smiled. I didn't exactly know what to say or how to act. But he was decent enough to apologise for scaring me half to death so that was nice. The silence held began to turn awkward as neither of us spoke.

"I uh- I guess I'll see you around" I smiled as I closed my locker. Edward nodded before turning and walking towards God knows where.

I had an odd feeling about Edward. Something about him was weird and different.

Different - Edward Cullen Book1 & 2Where stories live. Discover now