Chapter Forty-Six

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It was done, although not without a fight. Dupont had sulked and scowled, looking like a rabbit trapped by wolves. She sat as rigid as the wooden chair, her eyes so wide and frightful that Fox nearly went over to her to hold her hand. He just about refrained. As Glenna blew on several Whistles and called upon various Sprites, Dupont squeezed her eyes shut. Then it was over.

Fox stared at Dupont as she fussed over herself and gazed at the grubby mirror Catriona gave her with Absolon whistling in confusion as to why his companion looked so different. The short tuffty blond hair had returned, the murky blue eyes. Gone was her thick black hair and honey golden eyes that suited her so much, that brought out the paleness of her skin and complimented her narrow face. Fox found himself missing it already.

'What do you think, Fox?' Catriona asked, flashing her pleasant smile.

Fox grunted in response. 'It'll do.'

Catriona tilted her head and sidled up to him. 'What's the tone for?' She asked in a hushed tone as Glenna listed, much like Elenore, that Dupont should avoid showering and rain and water in general if she wanted the glamour to continue working.

'What tone?'

'That tone.'

Fox didn't say anything. He didn't have a tone.

Catriona sniggered. 'You don't like it, do you?'

Fox continued to be mute.

Her smile widened. 'Well, looking like a boy doesn't really suit any woman. Blond on her just makes her look sickly too.' Catriona whispered. 'Her natural appearance is definitely better.'

Fox found himself inwardly agreeing but continued to keep his mouth shut. He wasn't going to let Catriona needle his thoughts for her amusement.

'Are we allowed to leave now?' Dupont asked, shattering their hushed conversation.

'Aye.' Glenna snapped. 'You just be quiet about what you saw today. Don't go running to your Towers about the Nightshade.'

'I will not but it is very dangerous leaving him alive.' Dupont pressed.

'This is how we've done things for years now. Leave Nightshade to us. We'll keep him safe.'

'And the people.'

'Aye.' Glenna snapped. 'The people too. Just remember Tempest will eat your livers and eyes if you breathe a word about Nightshade.'

'We know.' Dupont said and pulled on her hat and turned to Fox. Her blue eyes looked wrong to him, like they were someone else's eyes. 'Let's go Fox.' Dupont urged and bundled Absolon into her arms.

Catriona whined. 'Are you sure? You could stay a little. I haven't thanked you proper for helping us.'

'We have to.' Fox said. 'Been here too long, we have.'

'Then get goin'. I want some peace.' Glenna growled and virtually kicked all three from her hut and slammed the door so hard the flimsy walls and windows wobbled.

Catriona smiled. She couldn't seem to stop since sealing up Nightshade. 'Where are you headed? I can help out.'


'I can get someone to take you.' Catriona promised then pranced off. 'Come on! Before the afternoon gets too old!'

The way back was shorter. Fox was becoming familiar with the path and had learnt the dips and growth of the marshland. They would've gone faster if Dupont hadn't slowed them down. She still struggled and had gained no new lithe abilities. He couldn't help but laugh inwardly when she barrelled for the fifth time into the slime. Despite being a woman of class, she had no elegance at all.

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