Chapter Thirty

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Fox didn't like being out in the streets, despite being smothered in the incense that kept Sodden from sniffing him out. His body was tense, ready to spring into action, and he couldn't calm himself down. No matter how much of a relaxed attitude he tried to put on, his body wouldn't follow.

He focused on Warbler instead, hoping the old thief had news of an escape. Maybe Elenore had contacted him.

Fox slipped through the thinning evening crowd. It was late and mostly the roads were empty of what decent folk lived here. Now it was the whores, drunkards and junkies that dominated the road-sides; laughing, groping and dazed.

Fox avoided the dregs, managing to slip by their grasping hands and ignored their calls to have fun. One whore was a little more determined and grasped Fox's arm and yanked him close, squashing him against her ample breasts.

'Come on. I'm worth the money.' She said in what she believed was a sultry manner.

The woman wasn't too bad looking with her unruly hair tumbling about her face, her body pleasantly plump and her narrow features making her mouth large but Dupont, with her wide eyes and bright smile, flashed in his mind's eye, making him recoil from the whore. Suddenly he noticed how unclean she was, how her makeup was badly applied, how her eyes were too small and how desperate she was. He chose to simply unhook her arm and hurry away, telling himself it was best for his own health not to sleep with cheap, grubby whores and nothing to do with Dupont.

Soon Fox was at the back of Warbler's clinic, glad Sodden hadn't turned up at all but still tense. He slammed his fist on the door and waited, listening to the night life. Cars roared in the distance, foxes screeched and the odd siren blared by.

Eventually the door opened, letting the light inside spill out into the darkness. Fox winced a little and waved as the door was pulled open wider, revealing the rotund shape of Warbler. Warbler smiled broadly and stepped aside, gesturing for Fox to enter.

'Ah, Fox. What can I do you for?'

Fox paused as he hopped up the final step.

'Billy said you called me.'

The moment Warbler's brow furrowed in bewilderment was the moment Fox's chest tightened. Warbler wasn't expecting him like Billy said.

'I'm afraid I didn't. Not got any news for you yet nor have I heard anything from the Doe or Elenore.' Warbler said and his frown deepened. 'Is Billy up to something? Playing some prank? I don't enjoy my time being wasted.'

Fox smiled thinly while inside alarm bells were blaring. His whole body felt tight suddenly and anger was beginning to pump hotly, making his ears roar. Something was wrong.

'Sorry for wastin' your time, Warbler.' He bobbed his hat and fled the clinic within seconds.

Fox was quick on his feet, darting down alleyways and dead roads. He didn't even think about Sodden anymore. Fear of being found by the Witch was gone and his heart no longer pumped so violently from anxious dread. Instead only Dupont was on his mind, his gut wrenching from instinct. Billy was up to something; something bad.

Fox tore through town, launching himself over fences and barely avoiding being clipped by cars. His heart hammered with every step and everything around him back a blur. People, cars, roads; he didn't pay attention to anything. All he could focus on was where he was going and the collapsing apartment block where Dupont was.

It felt like an age for that building to appear but soon Fox was throwing himself through the door and bounding up the creaking stairs two steps at a time. Instantly Fox was on the door, wriggling the handle and finding it locked.

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