Chapter Twenty-Five

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The farmer was kind, Esme found. He'd offer them food when he stopped and continued to let them sit in his trailer for an hour or so until eventually they went separate ways. Esme hated waiting on the side of the road, settled beneath a tree that marked the junction between the highway and the small country lane, hoping someone would be kind enough to pick them up. Not only did it make her feel incredibly small and not at all like the class she was but she was scared. She kept glancing down the road that roared with traffic, half expecting the blind Sodden to turn up.

She hadn't expected Sodden. A Witch-trapper. It was the worst bounty hunter that could've been sent; even worse than the White Hunter Wizards of the Towers. Witch-Trappers were made blind so they could see things others could not. They saw through their ears and nose and their sensitives to magic grew, making them the perfect hunters of magic. And one was sent after her. There was no running from him. He was going to find her. She just didn't know when and what was worse was she didn't know how much of a threat he was. He had several whistles, she knew. She spotted at least ten when he pulled one out. Some looked complicated but she didn't know what indicated towards the power of the being attached to it, not like a Wizard's nets. She didn't know what he was capable of and if he didn't need a car to traverse great distances. He could pop up in front of them. He could turn up while she slept. It made her curl up tighter in fear beneath the trees far reaching branches.

Fox seemed to give up ignoring her. He had firmly planted his back to her so he could stick his thumb out and wave down a vehicle with little success and didn't speak or acknowledge her but hearing her sigh miserably caused him to glance at her. Seeing her curled up as small as possible broke his silence.

'Curlin' up like that gives you away. No man does that.' He chided.

Esme glanced at him with sad blue eyes. 'We are not going to get the Granite Tower. Not with Sodden hunting us.'

Fox looked decidedly annoyed. 'Then give me my Eye and let me go.'

Esme stiffened and snatched Absolon from the air. 'No.'

'You said we're not getting' to the Tower so give me my Eye.' His eyes narrowed, making her bristle.

'I am not giving it up.'

'Then shut up. We're gettin' to the Tower.' He snapped and turned his attention back to the road.

Esme stared at his back, scowling at first at his tone before she settled slowly. She realised he was trying to get her to focus and not fall into despair. He hadn't given up yet. She shouldn't either.

Esme uncurled herself and let Absolon drift back into the summer breeze. The Witch-Trapper was a problem but one she had to overcome. She couldn't let him catch her. Her aunt relied on her to succeed.

She raised her chin and replaced the sorry expression on her face. There was a long way to go yet so she had to keep strong. She had to reach the Granite Tower.


Fox managed to thumb them a lift with a truck driver carrying a load of wood in the back trailer after some time. They had to sit in the front compartment, something Esme didn't enjoy at all. The man smoked endlessly, making the already stinking car reek even more. She also didn't like how he smiled and glanced at her and constantly commented on how pretty a boy she was. Fox seemed to not like him either and kept himself between her and the driver.

Esme focused on the open window with Absolon singing on her lap, breathing in the fresh air and listening to the sounds of summer bugs, birds and the bleating of sheep that echoed from the rolling fields, meadows and farms cut up by fences and streams. The sounds turned into blackbirds and rooks as the sun began to sink along the skyline, staining the clouds pink and orange. It was a pretty sight and kept her mind off Sodden and the creepy driver that constantly tried to strike up conversations with her.

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