Chapter Thirty-Four

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Esme was woken by someone violently shaking her. Forgetting where she was and only feeling hands she didn't recognise, Esme's eyes snapped open and she curled away from the stranger defensively, only to realise she knew the furry face and kind eyes.

'Warbler.' She murmured.

'Time to get moving.' He said firmly and chucked her clothes at her.

Still bogged down by sleep, Esme stared at Warbler's back and gradually registered she was naked and dressed only in a rough blanket. Both fear and embarrassment filled her, turning her milky skin red, and she started at Warbler's face with wide, pale eyes. But Warbler only grunted and turned to pack. He didn't mention what he would've witnessed during the night. He didn't mention he knew of her curse and lies. She swallowed thickly and felt it best to keep quiet.

As her heart settled, she slowly realised was entangled in her hands. Something warm and strong and very masculine. She glanced down and saw a hand curled with hers; Fox's. She blushed a bit but the embarrassment was cut short when she gazed at Fox, quickly recalling that he was on death's door and how long she and Warbler slaved away to save him.

He was sleeping but sweat still trickled. Specks of blood dotted the bandages and his skin was clammy and pale. There had been very little improvement in Fox's state, but he did appear to be in less pain. His expression was no longer twisted up so viciously and was relaxed, showing his usual sleeping features. She bit her lip and caressed his cheek and nose with the tips of her fingers in worry. He burnt to the touch.

'He's still got the fever. If we don't break it, he's likely to die.' Warbler said as he hauled his bag on his back. 'But staying here won't do any good. We'll move him somewhere comfortable and safe.'

'Will the wounds open?' Esme asked in worry as she touched Fox's filthy hair.

'Possibly but they're bound enough.'

Esme wasn't so sure. She'd seen how bad the infection were, cut open the holes and pulled out the bullets. Moving him about just seemed like a bad idea, but Warbler was a doctor. He knew best. She could at least bathe him soon.

Taking advantage of Warbler's backing facing her, Esme reluctantly let go of Fox's hand and hurriedly pulled on her clothes. Just as she tied up the grubby boots, she felt something stir in front of her. Esme stiffened abruptly when she turned and came face to face with a pale, red-scaled face. Her eyes widened instantly, her heart thumping from fright and instinctively covered Fox's face with her body. It took a few seconds for her to realise it was Willow. She relaxed but continued to cover Fox.

'Spirit Willow.'

Warbler looked up from his task of stamping out and scattering the fire and raised his thick eyebrows. He didn't say a thing.

Willow unfurled his arms, letting go of Absolon who had clung to the Spirit's chest. Alive and energised, Absolon whistled and floated to Esme's side, signing merrily when she opened her arms for him to dive into.

'This one brought the Watchful.' Spirit Willow said.

'Thank you, Spirit Willow.' She said, grinning and clinging to her Sprite.

'This one also brings news.'

Esme's expression faltered. 'What news?'

'This one has been watching out for a Witch, as the Bloxham Sprite requested. The Witch is roaming the river. It is not far from here.' Willow rose and twisted his tail. 'In fact, it draws very close.'

Esme stiffened. The incense was clearly working if Sodden's hunt was aimless but it wouldn't stop him stumbling across them and then gods knows what would happen. She faced Warbler who was already tossing aside the remains for the campfire, destroying all evidence of their stay here.

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