Chapter Fifty-Six

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Esme felt blinded as she left the large smithy. The sun was searing above in a cloudless sky, splashing light on everything it could. The heat she felt as she passed by the bellows and fires didn't change. It was just as hot out here as it was surrounded by flames. It beat Absolon in a few seconds and he decided to latch onto her head and turn see-through, despite her encouragements to stay awake.

She glanced behind her where Badger stood, nodding subtly and mouthing good luck. She smiled and waggled her fingers lightly in return before Lithgow pulled her into the crowd.

The city of Hornfel wasn't quite like Lakeside. White stone and pale bricks were used to build most of the building there but here the bricks were dark and the houses thin and tall with deep slopping roofs and chimneys so tall that she swore they bordered on impractical. She quickly realised she was in the more run-down part of the city by the people she walked passed. Scraggily dressed, talking loudly and having stubborn arguments over prices with shopkeeps, Esme felt a little out of place. People kept giving her funny looks and giving her a wide berth. It made her flush deeply and panic that she was being recognised and the police were going to come tearing around the corner. That was until she realised no one was looking at her. They were looking at Lithgow. It made her feel a little silly. Of course they were looking at Lithgow. Even if he had dressed down, he'd still stick out like a sore thumb. His face was instantly recognisable and no civilian in their right mind wouldn't know what their Grand Wizard would look like.

'I thought about coming in disguise but I felt that would be too suspicious if it was discovered.' Lithgow murmured beside me as he steered me along. 'My car is a few roads away though.'

I bobbed my head and kept close as we made our way through the crowd that parted like the sea before us until I eventually spotted what I assumed was Lithgow's car. Just like Lithgow, it stuck out like a sore thumb. It was clearly expensive, an oil-car make and pained in a rare vibrant red. A drive stood outside, puffing on a cigarette until he saw. After quickly stamping it out on the cobble road, he moved to a side door and held it open.

The drive smiled and bobbed his head as we approached and Lithgow gestured for her to enter first. She glanced inside, inhaling the familiar scent of expensive leather and oil. Cassandra would often take her out in cars similar to this, with a driver doing all the work. It felt like a life-time ago that she'd sat in one, talking whatever ball or party that was coming up and how Cassandra was going to find my future husband.

Fox's face flashed in she eyes, making my heart stutter and ache. She shook her head, pushing away the thought of Fox, and made to enter the car. But just as her eyes swept the street, a face she dreaded popped into existence.

Amongst the sea of grubby and haggard faces was Sodden. His blind eyes staring at nothing but his steps were certain as he drew closer and closer with whistle in hand.

Lithgow noticed her hesitation and gripped her shoulder. 'Esme?'

'Sodden. A witch. He's been chasing myself and Fox for weeks.' She hissed and then she began to panic. Fox. Fox didn't know. 'I need to tell Fox.'

She tried to make a break for it but Lithgow held her firmly in place. 'He's safer without you around and you're safe with me.' Lithgow pointed out and scowled at the approaching Sodden. 'Now, get in the car, lass, before I start a fight.'

Esme glanced wildly between Lithgow and Sodden and realised quickly he was right. Sodden was preparing to fight and Lithgow wasn't going to just hand me over. She ducked inside, slid across the leather and fastened her seatbelt. She sat there, heart in mouth and constantly told herself she wasn't abandoning Fox, as Lithgow entered and the driver started up the car.

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