Chapter Ten

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Fox was angry. Things were not going his way at all. All he wanted to do was get his Task done in peace but now he had been horseshoed into some kind of escape plot.

He didn't like Esme Dupont. She was pretty to look at but so snobbish and had this superior air that grated against him. And that annoyance grew into irritation rapidly, scraping away the fear of being in front of a Wizard powerful enough to kill the Grand Wizard. As much as it was the intelligent reaction to have, she didn't scare him. The face was too soft, the eyes too sad, the frame to small and slight, the aura too sheltered. She didn't scream power but she had it. Dupont was a Tower Wizard, niece of the Grand Wizard. He had intended to play dumb to save his own skin and wriggly out of whatever trap had been laid out so he was annoyed at himself when accidentally let slip he was fully aware who she was. He expected to die, especially after the River Oak Spirit went at his throat with the ill intent to kill. Fox was breathing still however. Breathing and incredibly cornered.

He wanted nothing to do with this plot or the plotter. It was downright dangerous and nigh-on impossible to accomplish. The Ivory Tower would be sending out their spell-slinging hunters for this murderer and he wouldn't be surprised if the other Towers were going to be involved in chasing her down too. The police everywhere were going to be on high alert, bounty-hunters were going to be involved and, annoyingly, her face stuck out like a sorethumb. Dupont was so foreign that she'd be instantly recognised.

'We need a plan Ellie.' Fox hissed as they walked back to the Doe's den. He insisted on walking. He wanted time to think and mull over this sudden turn of events.

Ellie strode beside him, possibly more enraged than he was. 'I could've taken her on I could.' She mumbled. 'Should've burnt all her stupid hair off.'

'With two aggressive Spirits? No.' Fox said, waving her ridiculous thoughts away. 'We need a plan.'

'I'm coming with.'

'No. I need you to stay. I don't want the Doe to find out I got blackmailed and involved in somethin' stupid. She'll kick me out, she would.'

Elenore sighed in agreement. 'I'll send out word to friends. Keep them in the loop. Go to known allies of ours, people who'll keep the secret.'

Fox grunted. He didn't like this. He felt he'd just signed up to die and technically he had. The Granite Tower was miles and miles away and the normal, convenient routes would be watched like a hawk for the killer. But he was more scared of the Doe and the Dupont Wizard more than the impossible journey. Either he could be killed in unimaginable ways or lose the one job he was good at and connection to his father.

'I'll sort her out.'

'No.' Fox said sharply. 'No killin'.'

'Who said anything about killin'? Elenore wrinkled her nose in offence. 'We've been cornered. Either we admit the truth to the Doe or we go along with this Wizard's stupid plan. I opt with the plan. We can at least make that go our way if we're patient. So, to hide her, I need to do a little work on her. Made her look a little more male, change her hair. That kind of thing.'

'Oh.' Fox said, a little embarrassed at jumping the gun. 'That'll help.'

'So, once we've gone to the Doe, we need to gather up clothes for her. Find some good fitting stuff. And tell everyone she's mute so she won't speak. Her voice and speech will give her away fast.'

'And I'll just try to survive and not be caught.'

Elenore hooked her arm in his, pulling him close to her. 'You won't get caught. You're good. You can make the most wanted woman in Lakeside vanish. I know you can.'

Foxheartजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें