Chapter Seventy

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Esme was perched in Lithgow's rooms at the top of the tower, curled on a sofa with Absolon sleeping on her lap, looking more solid. She was alone at the moment as the Tower finally caught up to the threat had been seeping into it and the lies of Denver. That Denver was the real killer of Grand Wizard Bloxham. It was a relief to Esme, to know she was now free, but it also brought a sense of exhaustion and the strong awareness she was grubby, her hair matted and still clothed in nothing more than a nightdress.

Esme sighed heavily and squeezed Absolon closer. She felt morose, her heart dreading the time she and Fox would be sent home. The time she'd have to leave him.

Esme didn't have much of a chance to go down that heart-breaking spiral and the door opened sharply. She sat up sharply, expecting her uncle, but instead found her eyes settling on Effie McGill.

'Effie?' Esme asked curiously, her mouth nearly automatically calling her Madama McGill and barely replacing it with Effie in time.

The old woman smiled as she shuffled across the room. 'The Everwood god should leave now, Esme, so long as you want him hidden from the Towers still. It's too soon to try and get the Towers to change their rules on helpful Gods and most certainly the wrong time.' She advised strongly. 'They'll only kill him.'

Esme paled. She didn't want that, not when her aunt's integrity was on the line. 'How?'

'Call him.'

She raised the whistle but froze when Effie waved her hand madly. 'No, lass, just call him. With your words, your mouth. You've already summoned him.'

She blushed a little then, very nervously, called out. 'Everwood God?'

She didn't expect it to work, just like she didn't expect him to not devour Denver and Sodden in one snap of his massive jaws, but, just like then, he proved her wrong. Little roots crowded out of Lithgow's carpet, spreading up the walls and entwining over his furniture, the, no bigger than a real wolf, the Everwood God was in front of her, his white ears perked up and tail swishing languidly.

Effie smiled at Esme. 'Now, tell him what I told you.'

She frowned and gazed at the little white wolf who tilted his head. 'What do you need, Bloxham Sprite?'

'The Tower is being taken under control now. Effie says that you're now in danger of being seen and, as the Tower has had one attack to destroy it, they're going to be quick to uphold their laws. I need you to go back to Everwood. You'll be safe there.'

Everwood twitched his ears then padded forward to snuffle at her hands. His breath was warm. 'I'll leave then. Call me again if you have need of me, Bloxham Sprite.'

He said no more, just vanished, taking his roots with him but leaving torn wallpaper and damaged furniture behind.

'He's gone Effie.'

'I know, lass.' She said as she settled down next to her, her eyes watching Esme with curiosity. 'Esme. What do you intend to do now you are free?'

Esme turned a little pink at the first instinctive thought. She was going to by Fox, no matter what, but that was impractical. He was a thief and he might not even want her around further than he had to.

'I don't know. Aunt Cassandra and I were talking about buying a place. I guess I'll do that; find a place of my own. Maybe try get a job.'

Effie bobbed her head as she listened. 'Do you mind if I offer a proposition?'


'Would you like to come with me? I haven't chosen an heir to Mother Witch and I feel you would do wonderfully.'

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