Chapter 21 Hello

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"What did she mean by that?" Jace said. The residence from the Mexico Institute just sat staring off at the door clary had just exited.

"What are we going to do?" Alex asked looking to his mother and then older brother. No one answered for a long time till finally Chun Cho looked at everyone.

"If she's determine to do this then there is only one thing we can do."

"Your not saying that you support her decision?" his mother turned a shocked look up at him.

"Of course not! It's stupid, extremely stupid, but she's isn't gonna change her mind and we would just be wasting time trying to convince her other wise so I have a plan and i'm gonna need everyone on board with this. I need everyone to do exactly as I say."

"What's the plan?" Alec spoke up. Alec and Chun Cho shared a look as if they were communicating with their eyes.

"Magnus I'm gonna need you to track Clary the second she steps out of the institute or portals anywhere."

"What if she just disappears?" Charlotte spoke up in a soft voice.

"Especially if she disappears. If that happened I want to know the second she's gone. I also have an old friend tracking her as well so we should be good there. If she does leave of her on her own I need Jocelyn, Maryse, Robert, mom, Charlotte, and Alex to stay here."

"What!?!" Alex yelled "Why do I have to stay?"

"That's exactly why your staying here you have yet to understand orders. Back to what I was saying if she takes off we'll need you guys to protect the kids and the institute while the rest of us try to retrieve both Clary and Seb."

"Alright so we all have our orders what do we do now?"

"Obviously we wait." Alec spat sitting down watching everyone sit down and then turning his gaze to Chun Cho. The two gave each other an understanding nod.

An hour or so after Clary had left the Library she managed to get both her boys to sleep ... just barely before Sebastian appeared in the room.

"Hello sister of mine." the projection of her brother smirked at her as he leaned against one of the bed post in front of her.

"What is this about? I though you would just send a fire message to me instead of showing up." She glared at him.

"What's the fun in that?" He chuckled. "Plus I wanted to see my nephews." He glanced over at the two boys sleeping soundly. His gaze seemed to harden as he glanced at Luke. "He looks just like the angel boy." Clary stopped his train of though by getting in his line of sight.

"So where am I meeting you, Brother?" She looked into the abyss that was his eyes. A sudden look of wonderment crossed his feature. He put his hand against her cheek,cradling her face before he drew her close,whispered in her ear before disappearing.

Later as the sun had disappeared from sight Clary looked out at the full moon. Tonight was the night. The night that the perfect little dream Clary had been living in for the last four years would fall apart right in front of her. Tonight Clary would give up her life for the man who made her whole when she had felt like she had been left to die.
She looked down at the bed where her boys slept. They needed their father. They needed someone to teach them how to be good even thought the world had turned it's back on you. She couldn't do that. She had been cuddled to much in her life to teach them how to be as selfless as Seb.

She kissed her boys head before she got up and laced up her boots. her gear was as tight as a second skin looking at herself in the mirror she could just make out the start of her protruding baby belly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2018 ⏰

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