chapter 4 How?

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Seb's pov
Clary and I rush into our room and are met by luke sobbing. Clary rushes over to the bed were she lays down and pulls him on to her chest. I lay down next to her and pull both of them into my side. I wrap my arms around them and start to hum the lullaby I've sang to luke since the day he was born.
Perhaps I can reach you, even though you're far away
I send you this message with all my heart
Hope is certainly a compass that points to love
Sleep, sleep gently, for tomorrow is a continent of dreams

Last night you were scared of loneliness
The telepathy in your heart called my name
It's not even a miracle that in the future our hearts will be energy
Sleep, sleep gently, forget your sorrow

The years sink into the sea like the setting sun
I'll jump across the starry sky to collect you
I'll jump across the starry sky to collect you

As soon as luke falls a sleep on Clary's chest she looks over at me and I know that she wants to talk about what we should do about jace.
"I don't want to be like Jocelyn." She tells me and I know I should understand that she doesn't want to lie to luke but I'm worried about what luke will do. What if he chose jace over me.
"I know but... I just don't want to lose him." I tell her as tears spring to my eyes.
"I don't know what luke will do once he knows but we can't lie to him for the rest of his life. And I know your scared that he'll pick jace over you heck I'm scared he'll pick jace over me too. But we won't know what will happen till it does. So let's just go to sleep and deal with this in the morning." This woman. What would I do with out her.
"Ok." I whisper to her as I kiss her sweet lips.
"Goodnight,love." She whispers pulling back and falling asleep.
"Goodnight, mi amor." I soon fall asleep listening to the soft breaths of my angel girl.

Jace's pov
Soon after clary and that guy leave the rest of their little family left. Leaving me alone to face my family, a silent Jocelyn, angry luke, a shocked simon, and a smiling magnus. We all just sit there till magnus starts to laugh.
"Magnus what are you laughing at?" A very annoyed izzy asked him.
"I'm laughing at jace. "He then looks over at me and says " Your face is just. Ugh. So hopeful like you actually think your going to have a shot of being part of that sweet, sweet child's life." He laughs some more and soon so are simon and luke.
My anger is starting to be to much for me to handle. How can they sit here and laugh in my face about how I won't be part of my child's life. There is no one on this earth that is going to keep me away from my child.
"How dare you! You think that I won't be part of my own kids life. You think that guy can take my place as my child's father. We'll listen up all of you no one and I mean no one is going to stop me from being part of my child's life." I'm standing looking at all these people who are suppose to be my friends and family. The ones who are suppose to have my back and be there for me. But instead are practically throwing me to the sharks. I look at every one of them trying to communicate how serious I am.
"Blood isn't love, jace." Magnus tells me like he is trying to throw daggers at me.
"Well you know what magnus I know that child will love me. How could he not I'm his..."
"No you aren't jace. You are not his father maybe by blood but you weren't there."Simon tells me almost like he has pity for me.
"I wasn't there only because I didn't know he was alive." I spit back at him.
"No jace you weren't there because you let yourself not be there. You cheated on clary. You showed her your player side. And instead of staying here and being that girl who sits at home with her kid while his father is out doing god only knows what. She left... she left and made something for herself. She made herself a family who didn't lie to her for 16 years. Found a man who loves and cherishes her. Plus treats her like a queen. You can tell just by him talking or even looking at her. She has a son who by the looks of it doesn't let the horrifying things of the world scare him. She has everything she needs and so does your son. Maybe he'll want you to be part of his life but for right now we don't know. And you have to accept that there is a chance you won't be able to be a part of his life." As soon as Alec is done with his little speech I rush out of the room and into my own.
Once there I sit down on my bed head in my hands and just think things over. They're right I screwed up. And now I have to be a man about it and own up to my mistakes. But I won't stop trying I'll keep fighting for clary and our son.

♡♡♡The Next Day♡♡♡

Clary pov
I wake up and look over at seb who is looking down at me with a look of love, adoration, and worry.
"I've been think and I think we should just tell Luke and get the elephant out of the room so we can do our job here and not have to continue worrying about this trust me I could not sleep last night because of it." Seb tells me quietly so we don't wake up our luke.
"Ok if that's what you want then we will do it after breakfast. But before we go down we should have a quick show." I tell him as I slip luke off my chest and silently walk into the bathroom with seb following after me.
Once we're done I put on a long sleeve baggy white shirt with black tights and my black flats on since it's like fall here. I look over at seb who by the way is looking awesome in jeans a black t-shirt with a black and blue flannel thrown on over the top and his Nike cortes on.
"Mommy." I hear Luke's little groggy voices say as he is starting to wake up.
"Seb I'll get him ready if you make breakfast." He noddes and heads out the door right after he kiss Luke's and mine forehead. I watch him leave out the door then turn toward luke who is looking up at me with this huge smile.
"Goodmorning mommy." He says in his adorable little voice.
"Goodmorning baby. Come let's give you a bath before we go eat come on."

Jace's pov
I wake up the next morning and take a quick shower before getting dressed in jeans and black t-shirt along with my black combat boots. I walk down to the kitchen only to be met by seb or as I like to call him the man who is trying to replace me.
"Good morning jaces. Clary and i decided to tell Luke about you today. So after breakfast let's go to the library so we can tell him." His voice my be calm but by the way his shoulders are all tense looking like he is ready for a fight.
"Ok." Is all I can say before every one else comes down. They all say good morning to seb and then sit down as seb has announce that he will once again make us food. As everyone gets to chatting. I relies some of us are not here most importantly my clary and our son.
"Seb where is the rest of your family?" Maryse ask
"Clary is up in the room getting the baby ready. And the rest of our family is out hunting won't be back till a little after sunset at the latest." As soon as he is done talking izzy squeals looking at the door. I look toward the door and see a beautiful,soft looking clary. And I look down by her leg and see baby luke hiding behide her legs. He looks around the room till his eyes land on seb and he rushes over like a bullet.
"Daddy!!!" He screams and my heart drops a bit. He's suppose to call me daddy not him. Seb turns toward my son and catches him as baby luke jumps up into his arms. Baby luke buries his head into seb chest and smiles one of the biggest smiles I have seen.
"Look daddy!!!look I'm dressed just like you!!!" He points to his chest. And my heart clenchs in my chest. How could I let this happen! Life is absolutely cruel. One minute life is perfect. You have your family and a beautiful girlfriend. Then you get stupid and are force to face the harsh reality that are known as consequences.

Thank you for reading. I won't be able to update for awhile I have some family stuff going on. Please show me some support by voting and/or commenting
Thank you so much. While I'm away I encourage you to read her own dark angel by sebbyloverdiangelo. I love it

Mortal FireOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora