Chapter two reunited

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My creative juices don't want to flow right now so this may be like alot of other Jace cheats on Clary stories.

Jace pov
"Hey get up maryse wants a meeting with everyone. Robert found something."
"About what bloodsucker?"
"Clary you ass hat."
The second I heard her name I was up and running to the library were we held all of our clary meets. I know she would probably never want to see me but I need to explain I need her back. Cheating on her was the biggest mistake of my life. I mean we were moving on with our life we were planning a life together. We tryed starting a family (I know that didn't really happen in the books but bare with me.) Then I had to go and f*** it up royally. I get into the library and see magnus, simon, luke, and Jocelyn in one corner. They moved in a few weeks ago for protection against sebastian.
Alec and iz are seated on couch with maryse as I walk all the way in Robert turns around from the globe.
"What did you find out about clary?" I ask him fear in my voice. I mean it has been four years something bad could have happened. But then I see he is smiling fondly down at a picture.
"Take a set jace. The things I'm about to say are shocking." I do as he says sitting in a chair next to alec. Who looks over and gives me a worried look.
"Ok. So as you all know the population of demons has increase in the last few weeks here. And being a big part of the clave. They allowed me to search through institutes to find help. I didn't find anyone good enough. That is till I got to mexico." He stop looked at everyone almost waiting for someone to say something.
"Well, robert what was it?"Luke asked impatiently
"Not a it lucian. A who? I when to the mexico institute and I found a small family there. None of them were that amazing till the next morning when their adopted daughter came. She looked very different. I didn't relies who she was. But I watch her and she put every great shadowhunter to shame even jace. Finally when she was done she flipped off a 40ft beam and landed infront of me. And I finally saw who it was. So I asked the mexico institute to come here along with their daughter and her small family. The father is staying there but they should be here tomorrow."
"I don't see how this has anything to do with clary?" Luke asked. You could hear the grief and anger in his voice. When clary had left it had teared a hole in all of us. We all had hope that clary was alive but ... it hasn't been the same since she left. We've all changed because of her absent in some way or another because we all cared for her differently.
Simon,alec, and izzy lost a friend. Magnus lost part of the only family he ever had. I lost the love of my life. Jocelyn lost another child. But for luke it was different he lost his only child and it changed him. He was more protective of his small family that included Jocelyn, simon,magnus, and his pack.
Now looking at him I really see the whole in his heart. A whole that can't be mended by anything other then the return of his daughter. I also remember the night I found out that luke and Clary's father daughter relationship wasn't one side,

I'm sitting on my bed clary has been gone two days now and every one in the house is asleep but me. Everytime I lay my head down I get a chill up my spine and know it's because anything could be happening to clary.
Finally deciding I'm not going to be able to go back to sleep I get up and go walk outside. I'm not looking at where I'm going but then I look up and see I'm right outside Luke's house. I then get a text from alec saying to come here. So I walk up to the door and knock. Magnus opens it then slams it in my face. Simon opens it then asks
" What do you want?"the look he gives me is like I'm a prisoner standing infront of a Judge that has already deemed me guilty.
"Alec..."I'm cut off by izzy telling me to come in. And a shout of protest from magnus.
Everyone is here and I'm hurt that I was just now notified."why didn't you call me over earlier?" I hope the hurt in my voice isn't knowledgeable.
"Why would we after what you did?" Jocelyn said anger laced with each word I then notice luke isn't there.
"Foods done. Simon would you please try to get luke down here."She pleads. As simon rise, Jocelyn, Maryse, and Robert go to the kitchen.
"What's wrong with luke?" I asked
"He's taking Clary being missing the hardest and..." I scuff at this. He's taking it the hardest I lost the love of my life.
Then all of a sudden I'm slammed up against the wall by a luke who looks like he hasn't slept a wink.
"How could you! How could you do that to her huh! After everything she did for you! How could you do this to me after everthing I did for you! I defend you, help you out against alot of people. I never asked you for anything other then to take care of clary!" I see tears in his eyes. And I'm shocked.
"What did I ever do to you? I trusted you with my daughter, my baby girl! And you do this to her! I can't tell you how hard it is to hold back and not kill you! But I can see it in your eyes your dieing without her. So killing you would be merciful right now. But you better hope we find her and that she's ok. Or I won't hold back." Luke drops me down and walks to the kitchen.
"I'll help him too."Magnus said walking after luke.
"And you can count me in " Simon said
******end of flashback******
"You will. Now everyone get some rest. Be here by 8 o'clock on the dot." Robert shouts as we all go our separate ways. As soon as I'm in my room my mind starts buzzing.
I lay awake just think about clary till my body collapses from exhaustion.

In the morning
I get up from a dream about clary but the weird thing is in the dream clary and me had a son and she kept trying to hide him half way through the dream. Weird. I shower and get dress then see that it 7:57. Crap Roberts going to chew me out if I'm late. I rush out of the room hoping I don't get a lecture. But as I arrive in the library I see the time is 7:59 and take in a breath of relief to see there will be no lecture for me today. I sit next to alec and we wait about a minute after 8 a portal appears and a family walks through they look all alike except for the mom, a strong chestnut haired boy, a small child with blonde hair, and finally another girl who holds the small child.
"Hello I'm Maria, these are my sons Chun Cho, alex, and seb. My daughter Charlotte and my grandson luke. And..."She turns her head to the last girl and speaks in Spanish
"It's OK mama. I'm ready." That voice I know that voice. This girl turns around and my heart jumps.
"And I'm clary. Hey guys looks like we got some catching up to do." She says sweetly as we all stand there in shock. All except robert who looks very proud of himself right now.

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