Chapter 12

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Seb's pov
"Magnus where are they?"Luke questions.
"Go suit up and get your weapons I'll open the portal you all have ten minutes to get ready starting now." As he finishes i race out of the room the others behind me. As we get into the weapons room I start flinging things at Joes,Chun cho, and the rest of my family. By the time we are all done the room is half empty. We all go back into the kitchen where magnus waits with the portal.
"Alex and Charlotte, I would appreciate it immensely if you would stay behind knowing these idiots I'm going to need the help fixing them up."
"Of course they will stay." Dad answers for them when he sees them about to refuse.
"Alright then i've already gone through once to see what we are up against. From what I saw on the outside its clear but once you get inside that's a whole different story. Get in fast get out fast that's the best option I can see."
"Thank you magnus for everything you've done for clary and me." I tell him.
" No need to thank me just bring them home."he replies. I give him a nod before i turn and look at the rest of my family before i go through the portal.

Clary's pov
I can feel myself starting to slowly slip into unconsciousness. My eyes are locked on my son as he races over to Sebastian and I. He hops onto Sebastian's back hitting him and clawing at his eyes. Its enough for Sebastian to release me. I lay there for a second trying to calm my racing heart, trying to bring air into my lungs. I hear my son give a shout just as a I hear the sound of a portal opening up. I look over to see my son on the floor and Sebastian standing over him. My instinct come into place as i can hear people fighting out in the hall and Valentine shouting orders at his sons warriors. I grab a piece of the broken bed post and just as Sebastian leans down towards my son with a murderous look i stand and swing the post hitting him in the head. The blow is enough to send him to the floor unconscious. I look to the floor to see Sebastian fell next to my passed out son so its true then they really are bound.
I scoop my child into my arms and run out of the room. As the door closes behind me i see Valentine laying unconscious on the floor as well. Yet as i look down the hall a fight still rages on as i look Amatis is no where in sight. As i look closer to the fight i catch the sight of Luke and Seb fighting back to back. My mothers fighting side by side before i know it i'm screaming out stop. As my voice reaches the endarken they freeze.
"Back to your courts and you will tell no one of this not even Valentine and Sebastian." I scream at them.
"Yes miss." They answer leaving the hall empty except for my family and I. Once they are all gone hands wrap around me and turn me around to face seb.
I look up at him and see tears falling down both our cheeks like rain. He pulls our son and I as close as he possibly can kissing our foreheads and murmuring sweet nothings in my ears. Maybe i'm dead. Maybe Sebastian did kill me but there is no better heaven than being in Seb's arms.

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