15. Halloween (pt2)

Comenzar desde el principio

She looked around the room and her eyes landed on the slutty Dorothy. She was hanging off of Charney's arm looking giggly and bubbly. She almost made Charlie's stomach want to turn. Her cleavage was spilling out of the top of her dress and her butt was spilling out of the bottom. Charney didn't look too comfortable and he kept casting glances towards Colin who in turn would turn away from Charney. So Colin's back was towards him while he chatted to the zombie.. The pirate and the ghost were sitting on the couch chatting away.

Holden had his arm around Charlie's shoulders and it didn't seem like he was going to move it any time soon. What if he was the killer and acting nonchalant about it. Or possibly the accomplice.

"So, are you the killer, victim, or accomplice?" Holden whispered in her ear. She shrugged and he let out a light laugh. "Taking this seriously?" She nodded and shrugged off his arm to socialize with the others but he was quick to follow her like a lost puppy. Holden's hair was coming unslicked so wavy curls stuck straight up.

"Come on, babe, tell me. The suspense is killing me." he said, laughing out loud at his own joke. She rolled her eyes at his joke and walked up to Colin and the zombie.

She waved at them and Colin said a loud greeting before wrapping his arms around Charlie. Holden huffed and looked away as his best friend was hugging the life out of his girlfriend.

"Char... lock." He said slowly, fixing the wig on top of his head. She grinned and shied away from him. He wrapped his arm around her waist since he was too short to wrap his arms around her shoulders without having to be on his tip toes.

Suddenly the lights went out and she couldn't feel Colin's arm on her. She heard shuffling before the lights turned back on. Colin was now across the room where Charney used to be but everyone else was in the same spot. But Charney wasn't there anymore, his coat that was stained with fake blood.

Charney was out. I glanced suspiciously at Colin but he only winked before he walked off somewhere else.

"Anyone want to guess yet? Going once, going twi-." He said before he was cut off by the zombie.

"I would like to take a guess. I think that quiet girl is the killer and Colin is the accomplice." He said.

"Wrong!" Tony shouted making everyone jump. "You have to take in all aspects. You're out of guesses walking dead." The music started back up soon enough. Dorothy picked up Charney's jacket.

"Who would go after Charn?" She asked. She picked at something on the jacket and gasped. "There's white paint on his jacket."

Everyone looked at each other before looking at the zombie and pirate who had white paint somewhere on their faces.

"Distracting us all by hiding you and your accomplice?" Colin asked smugly.

"What? No!" They said quickly.

'They haven't moved.' Charlie signed.

"I don't speak deaf, girl." Dorothy snarled.

"Stop." Holden said, glaring at the slutty Dorothy. "At least she has more class than you'll ever have. And she's not deaf dumb nut."

"Burn." Colin commented.

"She said that they haven't moved." Ruth spoke up from her place by the light switch.

Both of the accused looked relieved at her for their defense. Charlie looked closer and took the jacket out of the short girls hands, not bothering to look down at her.

The jacket was fairly clean except for the fake blood and white pain that was smeared by the collar. She turned it inside out and noticed a strand of long hair. She nodded and looked at people with long hair, narrowing her eyes at everyone. Sure it could be his mom's or even his sisters before he put on the jacket but no one knew for sure. She kept this bit of information to herself as she picked the hair of, tossing it to the floor. She was messing with evidence.

"Real life Sherlock Holmes." Holden joked, nudging her arm with his elbow. She grinned and nudged him back. He leant down and kissed her lips before he walked away to make conversation like the extrovert he was.

Charlie suddenly felt her stomach turn again so she quickly, without trying to be noticed, walked to the bathroom to throw up.

She heaved all her food out and was still heaving even afterwards, her throat burning since it was bile now. The girl sat on the floor by the toilet now, resting her head on her arms.

Her head spun as she heard screaming again. The lights were getting turned off quicker now. She got up and rinsed out her mouth before brushing her teeth again. Her stomach still turned but she felt a little bit better.

Walking back into the living room she heard a loud relieve sigh. "Charlie!" Holden exclaimed, hugging her. "We thought the killer took two at a time." She shook her head and pointed to the bathroom.

"Are you okay?" He asked, his face showing only concern. She nodded her head and went into the kitchen to get a glass of water to sip. She glanced around the room and ow noticed that the slutty Dorothy was gone. Good riddance.

She only looked away, sipping her water in peace. Two girls and five boys. Two of six had to be the killer and accomplice but now Charlie knew that Colin was involved. She just didn't know his role in it yet.

The room went dark again but this time there were no screams. When they turned on the pirate was gone now. Charlie was the only girl now and so it was two of the guys working together.

Over the rim of her cup she caught Colin and Holden chatting quietly to each other. Was it possible that he was involved too?

"Any guesses?" Tony asked but he was met with silence.

"Maybe we should all sit by each other so if someone moves then we'll know who the killer is." The ghost said worriedly. So that's what they did. Colin was between Charlie and the ghost and Holden was next to Charlie.

The music was now a white noise in the background, they were getting nervous now. The light turned off for the usual amount of time before it was turned back on. The ghost laid face forward motionless with fake blood on the once white sheet.

"Great, now we have a dead ghost." Holden joked. She hadn't felt Holden move so that limited it to Colin, red riding hood, and the zombie.

"Any guesses?" Tony called. "Come on the game is almost over, it's almost midnight." Charlie didn't notice how much time had passed.

Holden raised his hand, "Sorry babe but I think Charlie is the accomplice and Colin is the killer." She shook her head.

"Wrong, close, but wrong." Tony hinted. Before they could recover from the question the lights turned off again. When they were turned on the Zombie was gone. She did feel Colin get up so she knew he was involved.

"Anyone?" Charlie raised her hand.

'Colin is the killer and red riding hood is the accomplice." She signed causing Tony to bark out a laugh of amusement.

"I knew that you know, why wait until now? I seen that you knew who it was." he chuckled, coming forward to sit on the couch. Ruth went into the back room and grabbed everyone that "disappeared."

"Colin was the killer, riding hood was the accomplice." Tony said. "Honestly, I thought that Colin would crack."

"I kept the fact that I was in the closet for years Tony, I could keep a simple secret such as being a killer. To be honest, coming out to my parents was worse than admitting I was a killer. I thought Grant was going to crack though, he doesn't do well under pressure." Colin said, rubbing riding hoods back.

"So who won?" Dorothy asked.

"My girlfriend." Holden said with a grin on his face. He leant forward and kissed Charlie on the lips lightly. The Dorothy girl let out a sound of disgust before grabbing her things.

"That was fun and all but I'm leaving." She said. The others nodded and in a blink of an eye the only people left were Charlie, Charney, Colin, Holden, and his parents.

"Sleepover?" Holden asked, getting a confrontation. They all nodded and helped clean up before falling asleep in the living room.  



Question: (This is a make or break question) Do you like Ed Sheeran?

I'm sorry but if you say no then we can't be friends. He's my life, okay bye.

Charming Charlie | ✔Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora