Finally, Charlie could hear him open his mouth again and words finally came out, "you look nice, by the way. I mean it.Your shirt matches your eyes. You have nice eyes, I mean, yeah." He stumbled out, tightening both hands on the steering wheel.

'Thank you.' Charlie signed. 'You look nice too.'

He did the sign for thank you, "is this thank you?" Charlie nodded and Holden slowed the car a little bit and did the sign again. "What was that other one? I hope nothing insulting." He continued. Charlie shood her head and reached over to pick up the fabric of his shirt and gave a thumbs up.

"I look good too?" She nodded and he grinned once again. He seemed to only smile. "Thank you." He said while doing the sign for it. Charlie gave him a small smile and eventually the car pulled up to Holden's house.

Both Ruth and Tony sat on the porch drinking out of wine glasses. When the car turned off the both of them stood up and waved towards the car. Holden told Charlie to wait and he got out of the car and ran to her side to open the door for her. He held out his hand and she grabbed it. He helped her out of the car and moved his arm to it's usual spot over her shoulders. He closed the door, already leading her towards the house.

"Charlie, hi, I'm glad you could make it." Ruth called, a bright smile gracing her face.

'Thanks for inviting me.' Charlie signed while coming up the steps.

"It was Holden's idea." Ruth said, "but you're welcome anytime." Charlie nodded and they all moved inside.

"Tony's a vegetarian, something about a childhood memory. Or that video of Snoop Dogg, so the meal is vegetarian, I hope that's alright." Ruth said, leading everyone to the dining room. Charlie nodded and Holden pulled out a chair for her to sit before he pushed her in.

Ruth hit Tony's arm, "why can't you be nice like your son."

"He's adopted, not my son I swear. I don't know why he's so nice." Tony huffed, glaring at his son. "You're making me look bad."

"Not my fault you're not a gentleman." Holden said, smacking his dad's shoulder as he walked by.

"I'll shove that gentleman nonsense right up your-." Tony started before Ruth yelled something. Tony gave Holden the "I've got my eyes on you" signal before turning around and walking into the kitchen.

Dinner passed by in a flash, it was full of laughter and jokes. Charlie even got a few in causing Tony and Ruth to laugh before they had to explain it to Holden. Tony would misinterpret on purpose which earned a scolding from Ruth each time.

Now the sun was set and it was nearing nine thirty but Holden made no move to take Charlie home and she was fine with that. She had grown rather fond of the Hartel's. They were very amusing to be around. Tony's playfulness had Charlie laughing like she hasn't laughed since she was a small child. Of course she had but her laugh was a deep laugh, one that came from her belly. Many times she would catch Holden's light hazel eyes staring at her. They'd smile at each other before Charlie turned away. They attempted to play board games that didn't involve much verbal talk but they grew bored of it.

Charlie sat comfortably on the since arm chair across from the three Hartel's. They squished together on the couch. They were sitting shoulder to shoulder.

The conversation's never stopped. There was never a moment of silence in the household but Charlie didn't mind, it was rather comforting in a sense.

"So, Charlie, Holden has a swim competition on the twentieth of this month, will I see you there? Well if this little dweeb behaves himself." Tony joked, hitting the back of Holden's head hard enough that he lurched forward. Ruth glared not long after. Charlie glanced at Holden.

'Sure, if I'm invited.' Signed Charlie, not breaking eye contact with Holden.

"She said no because she doesn't like your ugly mug." Tony grinned, teasing his son once more.

"Well we know he get's his looks from you." Ruth fired back before telling Holden what Charlie actually signed. Holden nodded and assured Charlie that she could come and he'd give her a ticket for the game, free of charge.

Holden stood up and cleared his throat, looking quite embarrassed. He walked over to Charlie and wiped his hands on his shorts before he held out a hand to her.

"Would you mind going on a walk with me?" He questioned. Charlie took his hand and stood up with a smile etched onto her face.

"Use prot-" Tony started before his glaring wife elbowed his side. "What, I don't want gr- stop hitting me, woman!" He pouted.

Holden led Charlie out of the house, leaving his parents bickering in the living room. They were both barefooted but they didn't mind as they walked down to the warm sand. It was still warm outside but there was a slight cooling breeze. He swung his arm over her shoulders once again and brought her to his side as the walked closer to the water. The water was freezing as it hit their feet.

"That was embarrassing. Slightly. Totally." Holden mused, the moonlight was dim and she could barely see anything but she glanced up at Holden anyway. The light ever so reflected off of his hair, giving him a slight halo of light. The moon also gave light to his small smile. It was small but it was a smile nonetheless.

"My dad seems to like you though, that's a plus. But he likes everyone; he's a huge people person. Very outgoing. Town goofball. Some love him, most tolerate him." He chuckled. His deep voice seemed to wrap itself around her. She could feel the chuckle vibrate into her body.

She nodded and rested her head against his shoulder as the walked. It was uncomfortable but she didn't move. The beach was empty, as it should be at ten. He came to a sudden stop and dropped his body down on the sand, dragging Charlie with him. She let out a silent scream and he moved so she landed on him, only her hip hit the sand. She sat up and glared at his smug expression.

"I wanted to lay and watch the stars with you." He grinned innocently. She slapped her hand down on his chest before he pulled her down to lay her head on his chest. His heart was beating rapidly but then again so was hers. As her face warmed up, surely he could feel the heat of her cheeks.

The dark sky had stars scattered everywhere with the moon sitting off to the side. The surrounding houses all had their lights turned off. The sky was cloudless, the warm breeze, and everything made this moment unlike any other. She had never experienced anything else like this. It was nice. She liked it. She liked this.

"This may seem crazy." Holden confessed, his deep voice rumbling in his chest as he spoke lowly. He sat up , Charlie also sitting up, glancing at him. "Maybe because it's been a short time but I like you. I don't know if you like me or not but I felt that I should finally tell you, I mean-." Charlie covered his mouth with her hand before she moved it and turned away, glancing at the small waves.

"Oh man, I messed up. You don't- I knew I shouldn't have- Charlie listen. I know this seems surreal, too quick, like we're in a movie or a book but I'm telling you straight out because I don't want there to be any confusion or what ifs." Charlie's heart pounded in her chest and her breathing picked up. Did she like Holden back? She didn't want his feelings to be one sided. Somewhere in her she knew that they weren't one sided, she knew that she returned them. But was she worth all the trouble? They couldn't even have a two sided conversation. It was always her listening to him because she knew that if she signed then he wouldn't be able to understand her.

She glanced at his downcast face and for the first time seen a deep frown on his face. She brushed her hand along his jaw, feeling the slightest stubble starting to grow. She nodded and gave a small smile before looking away. They layed back down and she rested her head back down on his chest. He took one of her hands in his and rested their intertwined hands on his stomach.

For the rest of the night there were no other spoken words. They looked at the stars, both too entranced in their thoughts.

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