The Call

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Chester’s POV
I was sitting in the recording studio, working on some things
with the guys. All of a sudden my phone rang, normally I leave it while
I’m working on songs but this time it kept ringing like crazy. I finally
got aggravated and walked over to the table my phone was laying on.
I picked it up and screamed what in a shitty tone without even
looking at the number. Fuck thought when I heard Erica’s frantic
voice. I didn’t mean to shout at her, I knew if she was blowing my
phone up like that it must be important. I was just in a really shitty
mood. I haven’t had a fix in days. I promised David I would slow down
on the drugs, and I have been trying hard. At this point the cravings
are just getting to hard to deal with. I broke out of my thoughts as I
heard Erica shout my name again. She was flipping the hell out.
Okay Erica what is going on? I asked concerned. She started
talking a hundred words per minute. Slow down Erica I hollered. I
can’t understand a damn word you are saying right now, you are
talking so damn fast. Finally she slowed down enough for me to hear
the words Roxies and police. Fuck I thought this must be pretty
serious. I hung up the phone and ran straight back over to the guys. I
apologized to them for cutting the day short, but explained I had to go
now. I ran out and jumped in the car. I threw it in gear and sped down
the highway towards David’s house. I knew I was breaking the speed
limit, but I really didn’t care. If I got busted I would get dad to deal
with it later. Or at least try I thought to myself. Once I finally got to
David’s, I threw the call in park and ran inside.
Where is she I hollered at Erica who was sitting downstairs
watching cartons with the kids? “She is upstairs” Erica yelled back at
me. I tore off up the stairs to find Roxie and figure out what was
going on. When I got up to the guest room, I saw Roxie sitting on the
floor by the bed crying. I went straight down to the floor nest to her,
lifting her head up to face mine. Roxie what is going on I asked her.
Just then she handed me her cell and I saw the messages from her
father. I looked at her again, watching the tears pour down her cheeks was almost too much for me. Normally I do not get attached
to women, nor do I give a shit if they cry. However for some strange
reason with her it was head started to wander again.
Chester I thought to myself, you said you were going to back off when
you found out she was only 16. Fuck I know I need to, but I can’t she
is crying her eyes out and she needs me I fought back with myself. I
was in inner turmoil, what the hell am I supposed to do. My heart is
telling me one thing and my head the total opposite. C’mon Chaz pull
it together, I thought.
Roxie it’s going to be okay babe I promise we will figure this out.
How long do we have before she calls the cops? I asked her. She
didn’t respond. C’mon I said we are going to talk to my father, leave
Jessie here with Erica it is the safest place for him right now. Let’s go
see what kind of options we have okay?
She looked up at me like something I said finally got through to
her. She nodded her head and quietly whispered okay. As she stood
up I embraced her in a hug and took her hand leading her down to
my car. Once we got to my car I opened the door and helped her
inside. I ran over to my side and jumped in. Within seconds I had the
car on and driving back down the road. On the way to dads place I
tried to call him. I knew he probably wouldn’t want to deal with my
snit, but this was a bit different than usual. It wasn’t to get me out of
trouble because of drugs or some other stupid shit I did. No this time
I had an actual reason for calling, and I really needed him to answer
me. Sure that he wasn’t going to pick up I decided to send him a text
Dad please call me, it’s very important. I really need your help,
it’s not like usual I promise it has nothing to do with me. I have a
friend who really needs help, and you’re the best person I can think
of who might be able to help her-Chaz
I sent him the message hoping he would see it and call me, since it
isn’t drug related this time. It’s pretty bad my dad has saved my ass
so much he thinks I only call when I want something from him. In a
since India want something from him, but for once it wasn’t for selfish reasons. I waited about ten minutes and nothing maybe he
was sleeping, I will just had to the house anyway, then if he isn’t
home I will drive to the phoenix PD. Oh yeah Chester great idea, walk
into the police department, they will probably drug test you on the
spot. I get so sick of arguing with myself sometimes. I feel like I’m
fucking crazy I thought.
I looked over to a still sobbing Roxie in my passenger seat. I put
my hand on her knee and gently rubbed my hand back and forth
trying my best to calm her down. It seemed to be helping a little bit,
considering the tears slowed a bit and she started to breath normally
Chaz she whispered what am I going to do? I can’t go back to
the place, but I also can’t get sent off. I am just so scared of either
outcome she continued.
Rox I don’t know what exactly will happen, so I can’t make any
promises. But I can tell you that if there is anything my father can do,
he will do anything to help out. Let’s just get over there and see if
there is anything he can do to help okay? I said. She nodded in
agreement and we continued driving down the road in silence.

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