The Beginning Of The End

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Roxies Pov
Shortly after i explained eveything to Jessie Allie took him out to get his mind off of things. She also wanted me to take some time to get myself together. After she left with Jessie i snuggled up to Chaz on the couch. We sat the quietly for about an hour. Chaz just held me in his arms, giving me sweet kisses every once in a while. He didn't try to talk to me or bug me about things, he simply just sat there comforting me.
At 2:35 his phone rang and i saw seans name pop up on the caller ID. Chaz reluctantly answer the phone telling him he would be there in a little while. Giving me a small frown as if he was saying sorry.
Babe i gotta get going, He said a little aggravated. I totally forgot we had scheduled recording time today after school. I really don't wanna leave you like this, he added sounding very sincere.
It's okay baby I understand, I replied to him. You have a job to do and i don't want to keep you from that. I'll be okay i prmoise, just call me later when you get home okay? I asked.
Okay baby i will, he said standing up and giving me a very passionate kiss before he turned to walk away.
Roxie I love you, He stated.
I love you too Chaz, I replied.

Chester's Pov
I really didn't want to leave her ar such a bad time, but sean and they guys could get really impatient sometimes. I knew if i didn't show up today it would cause big issues between us and we had our differences as it is. So I ended up leaving her anyway, which left me feeling like a total peice of shit.
Once i pulled up to the studio i shut the car off and finished my cigarette before heading inside. I grabbed a baggy out from under my seat before walking in. I went in to the studio and walked straight to the bathroom, I was going to need a couple bumps to get me through this fucking session. I locked the bathroom door and laid some dope out one the sink before quickly snorting it up my nose feeling tweaked almost instantly. I cleaned up my mess and made my way out of the bathroom and into the recording area.
Man lets get this shit done! I spat at the guys. I need to get out of here early tonight, I have other shit I need to do later.
Damn, Chaz whats your problem? Sean asked me.
My problem is I was dealing with some shit, and you impatient fuckers would have had a fit if i didn't make it! I snapped back at him.
If you were gonna be in a fucking pissy mood than you should have just kept your ass at home, he shot back.
We need you to be productive, not in a shitty as mood, he added.
You know what man fuck you! I spat back at him. I'm out of here, you wanna be a dick fine but have fun getting anywhere with out me i yelled slamming the fucking door behind me.
I will sort shit out with them later, but I'm not dealing with them right now. If i go back in there at this point it's not going to end well, I'm too pissed off and too spun. I needed a quite place to go so I decided to go to David's place. He would help me sort through all these feelings, he always has.
I pulled up to David's and walked up to the door. Before i could even knock he had the door open with two beers in his hand. Thats my dude i thought to myself.
Well get your ass in here! He said.
I walked in a flopped my ass down on the couch, Erica and Evan were gone so it was just David and I.
Whats going on Ches? He asked giving me a what the fuck look.
I don't even know man, i said being honest. You remember the girl that came over with me a while back? I asked him.
Yeah Roxie? He asked
Yeah, man. Well we kinda ended up getting together I started but was quickly cut off.
Wait Chester you fucked her? She is only 16 what the fuck were you thinking? he yelled at me.
No dude, I haven't touched her. At least not like that anyway, i have hugged her and held her, and i have kissed her but nothing else dude I swear! I continued. What i mean is we hooked up, like we are dating dude.
Oh, thank god Chaz you scared the fuck out of me! He said relieved. I mean that could still get you into some trouble, but its not as bad as what i was thinking. So you really are serious about this one huh? He asked.
Yeah dude she's great! I replied. Actually she is fucking amazing I added getting hype! David looked at me strangly.
Chester are you tweaked? He said flatly.
Oh shit i thought im hit guess i better not try to lie my way out of it david knows me too well.
Man look, I slipped up today I'm sorry it's just.. My mind was just messed up and i couldn't deal with it, I stated being completely honest with him. I'm trying man, I'm trying really hard and I've been doing good for the most part. I just slipped up okay! I'll try not to let it happen again, I added.
Man, you have to get this shit together, does She know about this? He asked me.
Does she know what? That I use or that I used today? I asked him.
That you use period? He replied.
Yeah dude she knows, actually she caught me before I had a chance to explain everything to her. I felt really shitty about it too! I stated bluntly. I just didn't want to tell her and loose her because I'm such a fuckin idiot, I added.
You're not an idiot Chester you've just been through some serious shit. I get it man really i do, but you have got to get this under control. You are really lucky she didn't bail when she found out, expecially after all the shit she has been through with her mother being an addict! He exclaimed. Thos chick must really care for you, don't let your habits fuck things up, he stated.
I won't, I fucking love her dude. Like you have no idea how fucking much I'm in love with her. That was my issue today, the guys wanted to record today but her dad died last night man. I was trying to be there for her, and Sean called and got pissy about me not being there. I felt like shit for leaving her dude, like i wanted to be there but i also made a commitment to the band and it got my head all fucked up! I stated.
Chaz you can't let shit get to you like that man. It really isnt good for you, while you're trying to get clean! He replied.
I know and I'm going to try harder for her, so i can be the man she needs me to be. I promised her when she caught me that i would explain things to her and i haven't been able to do that. I figured since i snapped on the guys and ditched recording, that I would take the time to do it. Thing is I need a quiet place to write down my feelings and what happened, because you know i can't actually talk about it, I said.
I get it Chaz at least your trying to explain it to her. Go in the guest bedroom and do what you got to do. I'll make sure no one bothers you, david stated.

The Summer Of 1993 (Book 1)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin