Wakey Wakey

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I woke up in a large bed, in what I assume to be the guest bedroom
of David and Erica’s house. I gently got up out of the bed and walked
out into the upstairs hallway. The first thing I did was walk to the last
room at the end of the hall to check on Jessie. There he was sleeping
soundly on the bottom bunk of Evans bed. I decided not to wake him,
he looked so comfortable. I made my way downstairs to the kitchen
and sat down on one of the barstools. “Good morning sleepy head
“Erica said when she saw me sitting there. “Good Morning” I replied.
What happened last night, one minute I was sitting on the couch
watching a movie with you, David, and Chester? The nest minute I
wake up, and I’m upstairs in a comfy bed I giggled. “Well you kind of
passed out on us half way through the movie, so Chaz picked you up
and carried you upstairs to bed. Where is Chaz? I asked. He had to
go to a band practice this morning but he said he would come by and
check on you when he gets done this afternoon. Do you want some
coffee? Erica asked. Yeah I would love some, I replied. Erica sat a hot
cup of coffee down on the table in front of me, along with some
cream and sugar. I put two teaspoons of sugar in and a little bit of
creamer. “Thanks girl” I said. You’re welcome she replied.
I sat there drinking my coffee and making small talk with Erica
for about 45 minutes and decided that I should probably go upstairs
and check on Jessie again. I put my coffee cup in the dishwasher,
and made my way upstairs. There is towels in the bathroom closet if
you want to take a shower I heard Erica yell up the stairs. Okay I
yelled back. I made my way back to Evans room and Jessie was still
sound asleep. Okay I thought, I will go take a shower and then I will
wake him up. I walked down the hall back to the guest bedroom and
grabbed my bag that I brought from home. I took out some clean
clothes, grabbed a towel, and stepped into the hot shower.Once I made it out of the shower, I put my clothes on, did my
makeup, and went in Evans room to wake Jessie. Jessie was starting
to wake slowly on his own. I sat down beside him on the bed and
gently rubbed the hair out of his eyes. “Hi sissy” he said. Hey little
man I replied, how did you sleep? Good he replied again, I had so
much fun with Evan can we stay here longer please Jessie begged.
We will see I told him, but first we need to get you something to eat. It
is already noon, I cannot believe you slept that long I said with a
giggle. Why don’t you head downstairs and I will be there in just a few
minutes I said after hearing my phone buzz and realizing it was a text
from my father. This can’t be good I thought as I opened my phone to
look at the message.
Roxie Elise Callahan what on earth were you thinking taking off
with your little brother. Your mother is worried sick about you guys.
This is so unlike you young lady. I suggest you do yourself a favor and
get Jessie and yourself back home. Otherwise your mother is going to
charge you with kidnapping. You know better than this Roxie, I would
have never expected this sort of behavior from you. Get home I mean
Love dad
Daddy mom went crazy she is all messed up on the stuff again.
We got into an argument and she hit me twice. I took Jessie away to
keep him safe. Why don’t you ever believe me? I don’t want to go
back there we are safe I promise.-Rox
Get your pass home now Roxie, I will deal with it when I come
How can he do this to us I thought. He doesn’t even try to
believe me. If he did he would never want us to go back there. She is
evil and she will never change. I don’t understand why he refuses to
believe she is like this. He knows she has issues, but he doesn’t
believe me when I tell him about all the things she does to me and
Jessie. Maybe is should just go to the police myself, but then again
they probably won’t do anything either. Nobody believes me except for Angela, Erica, David and Chester. IT doesn’t really help me that
they believe me because they can’t do anything about it either. I
don’t know what to do right now I am so scared. I don’t want to take
Jessie back there, but I don’t want to go to jail or a home either. I
need to talk to Erica maybe she will know what to do I thought. I ran
downstairs with tears flooding down my cheeks. Once I hit the
kitchen, she already had Jessie and Evan sitting down at the table
eating breakfast.
Erica can I talk to you for a minute I asked. She looked at me
concerned and instantly walked towards the patio, waving at me to
follow her.
Sweetheart what’s wrong? She asked.
I couldn’t even respond so I just handed her my cell phone
letting her look through the messages my father had sent me less
than ten minutes ago. Her face instantly fell, as she looked up at me
and softly said Hun I am so sorry.
We need to call Chester she said immediately. He might be able
to help. Well not Chester himself, he can’t really do much but his
father could.
“His father?” I questioned. Chester hasn’t really said much
about his father I continued, how could he help me?
“Well Chester doesn’t see his dad a whole lot” she stated. He
stays pretty busy with work. He is always working double shifts,
sometimes he even works around the clock days at a time. She
continued on
“What is it he does” I asked
Well he is a detective, here in phoenix she said. He helps kids
all the time. However he doesn’t exactly deal with stuff like this. He
works on cases of children who have been molested or sexually
abused. This isn’t exactly his area of expertise but he may be able to
help still.
“Okay” I replied I guess you can call him if you don’t think he
will get mad that we ruined his band practice.

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