After The Storm

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Roxies POV
After our heated argument and our emotional conversation we
decided that we would clean ourselves up and head to the party. I
asked Chaz if he thought the party thing was a good idea, but he
assured me he could handle himself If there was drugs there. He just
wanted to go hang with the guys, have a few beers, and introduce
them to his Amazing girlfriend. What a suck up I thought to myself.
Wow I thought that amazing girlfriend is me, how did I get so lucky?
He could have any girl he wanted, why the hell did he want me?
What you thinking about babe? He said. Interupting me from
the thought.
Well actually I was just thinking about how lucky I am to have
you as my boyfriend, I replied.
You’re funny babe, he said. I’m the lucky one here.
Oh really, I mocked him.
Yes really , he said before kissing me and opening up the
passenger side door of his chevelle. Once I got in he closed the door
and made his way over to the driver side. He opened the door, sat
down in his seat putting the keys into the ignition. He leaned up a bit
from the seat and turned the radio up.
We stopped at the gas station a few miles from his house to
grab some smokes for the night.
You want anything babe? He asked me leaning his head back
into the car through the window.
No, baby im okay. I replied smiling. He is always such a
sweetheart, How in the hell does someone like him get strung out?
Stop it Roxie I said to myself. Don’t pry on it, he will tell you when he
is ready I thought.
Chaz got back into the car and shut the door.He opened up a new
pack of smokes and popped one into his mouth lighting it up.
You want one? He asked.
I thought about it for a minute, and decided what the hell it’s just a
Sure, I replied with a smile. Chester took the freshly lit cigarette
out of his mouth and handed it over to me. Taking out another one
from the pack and lighting it up for himself. I took one big hit off of it
and immediately started coughing like crazy.
Easy baby, he said laughing. Its just a cigarette not a blunt,
don’t hit it so hard babe.
We pulled up in front of a big ass house in the country, and
Chester shut the car off. As we jumped out of the car I took in my
surroundings. This place was massive I thought. Not only was the
house huge, but the property as well. There was a big pool in the
back yard with a full patio area around it. I bet you could fit two
hundered people in that pool, I was amazed. Way out in the
backyard, there was a huge bon fire that looked like it would burn till
tomorrow morning if not longer. Omg, there must be 500 people here
already, I think I might pass out.
Chaz? I asked with a hint of anxiety written on my face.
What baby, what’s wrong? He asked concerned.
One this place is amazing , I stated. Two there is so many
people here I think I might quit breathing, I added freaking out a little.
I probably should have mentioned this earlier, but I have really bad
anxiety around a lot of people. I mean I was kind of expecting a
crowed, but I had no idea there would be this many people here.
Its okay baby, Im right here with you. If you get to feeling to bad
we can always leave, He spoke softly. Plus on top off that once you
have a few beers you will calm down a little bit trust me! He added.
He kissed my head and we walked through the yard towards the back
As soon as we got into the back a bunch of guys walked up to
chester embracing him in a Bro hug. I recoginised a few of the as his
band mates from Grey Daze. I stood there feeling out of place for a
minute, considering I didn’t know anyone here at all. I think Chaz noticed because he instantly introduced me to the guys and their
girlfriends. Wow one of the guys said in disbelief, you finally decided
to settle down with a chick Chaz? Never thought I would see that
happen he added shocked. I gave Chaz a funny look and he shot me
back a look that said I will explain that later. I just nodded back at
him and started talking to one of the girls, her name was Lea. She
seemed like a real sweetheart one I got to know her. She started
telling me about how the guys started playing together and about the
record they had been working on. She also told me that she was
happy that chester finally found a good girl for once. Lea continued to
explain that Chester had always been kind of a ladies man, but all
the girls he messed with just ended up fucking him over and taking
advantage of him. How could someone do that shit to Chester? I
thought to myself, he is such a freaking sweetheart. Chaz woke me
from my thoughts.
Baby I’m going to go get us a drink he said smiling at me.
Okay babe, see you in a few I replied to him smiling.
Lea and I continued to talk, trading stories about our past and what
not. She was a great girl, a lot like myself really. All of a sudden I feel
a hand connect with my ass, a hard slap right across my cheeks. I
turned around expecting to see chester standing there laughing, But
that’s not at all what happened. My eyes went straight to the asshole
standing behind me with a fucking smirk on his face.
What the hell? I questioned him.
You know, you’re pretty damn hot. I deifintly wouldn’t mind
getting me a piece of that ass, he commented with a cocky tone.
Before I could eve respond to the jackass, I saw a fist connect with
his face.
What the fuck do you think you are doing you piece of fucking
shit was the next thing I heard. The sound came from behind me, I
turned to see chester and boy was he pissed. His face was a deep
shade of red, and his fist were clenched so tight his knuckles were
going white.
Chaz baby, I said trying to calm him down.  No, fuck that Rox he just put his hands on you, he Yelled at me.
Oh shit I thought, this really isn’t going to end well.
Fuck you, He yelled at the man on the ground. How dare you
think you can touch my fucking girl like that he continued with his
temper still building.
I don’t see your name on her you fucking fag, beside I bet she is
fire in the sack, the guy continued on.
That was all it took to send chester over the edge. I swear he
defied gravity as he jumped from where he was standing and didn’t
hit the ground until he connected with the guys nose ten foot away
from him. The dude fell to the ground yet again and try to cover his
face as chester climbed on top of him and repetitively kept punching
him in the face over and over again, Screaming at him between
punches. By the time Chesters buddies pulled him off the dude ,
chesters hands were bleeding like crazy. Chester was still yelling at
the dude as they continued holding him back. Who’s the god damn
fagget now he screamed at the guy who was now laying unconccious
in his friends back yard. While two of the guys finally got chaz into the
house, The other guy called 911. They didn’t want to get Chaz In
trouble but they also had to make sure this dumb ass didn’t lay on
the ground and die. Once the paramedics arrived at the house one of
the guys walked them into the back yard where the cocky son of a
bitch still laid in the grass with his face all kinds of fucked up. Luckily
he was still breathing and slightly awake at this point. Chester really
did a number on him, but at least the guy isn’t dead I thought. After
the paramedics took the guy to the ambulance, I saw two police
officers exit their vehichles and walk into the house. I did my best to
follow them into the house but I was stopped at the front door. From
the front door I watched them walk up to a now calm chester and put
him in handcuffs without any words other than reading him his rights.
I broke into hysterics as the took him out of the house in cuffs and
put him in the back of the police car. He gave me an appoligetic look
before they shut the the back door. Lea ran up to me and embraced
me in a tight hug. Her behavior at this point was protective and
nurturing. She took my hand and led me upstairs to one of the many bathrooms. Once inside she pointed to the toilet telling me to sit
down. I did as she asked and sat down on the toilet and tried to stop
crying. Lea crabbed a rag out of the cabinet and ran it under some
warm water. She brought the warm rag up to my face and tried to
wipe away the tears and the streaks from where the tears and
makeup had stained my face. After Lea was done cleaning my face
off she handed me a small joint and told me to take a few hits. She
seemed to think it would help calm my nerves a bit and actually she
was right. Thanks Lea, I said to her.
NO problem babes, She replied. Now lets go get Dez to take us
to the police station so we can get Chaz out of jail, she said.

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