The Mall

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Roxie's POV

I only had a week left before it was back to school so I decided that I

would call Angela and see if she wanted to go shopping. Her mom

was cool as hell and Angela was a few months older than me so she

already had her license. I knew her mom would let her borrow the

car if she wasn't working today.

Hey girl what's up? I asked

Oh not much just sitting her. She replied

I was wondering if you wanted to go to the mall and get some shit for

school. I asked

Sure let me talk to mom and see if it's alright to take the car, she

asked before hollering down the hall to her mom. She doesn't have

to work today so we are good to go Angela continued. Get ready and

I'll be there in about twenty minutes she said before hanging up the


Damn that was fast I thought when she pulled up to the house 10

minutes after we hung up. Trisha I am going to get school clothes I

yelled down the hell to the monster I have to call mother. I gave

Jessie a kiss on my way out and told him I would buy him McDonald's

on my way home, His eyes lit up, I love to see him happy. I ran out to

Angela's car, jumped in and shut the door. This was actually going to

be a good day. Ang and I always have a blast when we hang out.

What the hell are you wearing she asked? Referring to my nirvana t-

shirt I was wearing with my shorts and my flip flops. Geez ang don't

you know me buy now, I laughed.

Well of course I know you, but I swear you just keep getting weirder

and weirder she said smirking. Shut up you bitch, I spat playing

around. I was never much of a girly girl. I mean I would do my

makeup and my nails, but I was normally wearing some kind of a

band tee or hoodie with my jeans or shorts. Not some girly ass

preppy top like Angela wears all the time. I love her but she is such a

fucking Barbie sometimes. Okay well 90% of the time. Never the less we instantly clicked when we met in 8th grade and we have been best

friends since. Next week we will be starting our sophomore year in

high school. I can't wait to get done with school and move out of

phoenix. I would love to move to New York and work with the

Yankees (you know do all their pictures). But I would also love to

travel around with some of my favorite bands and do their photos as

well. I guess I will just have to wait and see where life takes me. I had

been so lost in my thoughts I didn't realize we had already made it to

the mall and ang had parked the car. C'mon she yelled racing

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