Allie meets Chester

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Chesters Pov
Wake up baby, i said softly rubbing my hands through Rox's hair. Its already 7pm, i gotta get you home before Angela flips her shit on me. She halfway whimpered, as she rolled over and looked at me.
Do we really have to go? She asked me.
Ya baby unfortunately we do, i replied. I am having a practice tomorrow with the guys after school if you wanna come. You can ride with me after school tomorrow if you want to go.
Okay, she mumbled still sleepy.
She got out out of my bed and put her shoes on. I got up and walked behind her, wrapping my arms around her waist. I gave her a couple gentle kisses of the side of her neck, and then turned her around to face me. I gave her another gentle kiss on the lips, and one on her forehead.
Chaz? She said softly.
Yeah babe? I replied.
Uh, nevermind its nothing she said turning away from me.
Roxie, what is it? I asked her again.
It really wasnt important, i dont even remember what i was going to say she replied.
I know damn good and well she didn't forget what she was going to say, but i think the situation was making her uncomfortable so i let it go.
Okay babe, i said back. You ready to go?
She nodded telling me yes and we locked our hands together and went out to the car.

Roxies Pov
God Roxie, why couldnt you just tell him i thought to myself on the ride back to Angela's. I so badly wanted to talk to him about what Angela said last night. I think maybe I do love him but I am scared to tell him. What if he doesn't feel the same. I mean he did say he wasn't making any promises. He acts like he feels the same, but maybe i am just overthinking. Maybe i'll tell him when the time is right! Gee roxie get it together i thought again.
Chesters voice pulled me out of my thoughts. We were sitting in front of Angela's house once again. I hated these moments, i hate saying goodbye. Part of me wishes i could just stay with him but i know i can't.
Babe are you okay? Chaz asked me.
Yeah im okay, just thinking about things i replied.
What type of things? He questioned.
Just how it gets harder and harder to say goodnight to you. I said hoping it wouldn't freak him out and scare him away.
I know babe, i feel the same. He replied.
Really? I asked.
Yes really, i love spending time with you he said. I dont like having to say goodnight and watch you walk away either. I would rather just be able to have you with me all the time, but obviously that cant happen. He said with a bummed look on his face.
Maybe one day, i whispered.
I hope so, he replied. He gave me a couple kisses on the lips and got out of the car, comming around to open my door for me. Once i stepped out he pushed me against the car and gave me a long passionate kiss. I never wanted this moment to end, but it did all to quickly when Angela's mom came out with a strange look on her face.
Roxie? She questioned.
Oh hi Allie, im so sorry i said pulling away from chester.
Who is this young man? She asked.
I was about to reply to her when chaz stood in front of her and introduced himself.
I'm chester, Roxies boyfriend he spoke politely. I apologize i haven't had a chance to properly introduce myself.
Nice to meet you Chester, i have heard a lot about you from both of the girls. It's nice to be able to put a face with the name. Would you like to come in for a while? Allie asked him.
No ma'am, i wish i could but i have to get back home before my mother kills me, he laughed. If im not home for supper you will probably never see me again he joked.
Okay then, we will see you soon. Allie said heading back towards the house.
Once she was inside i gave chester a thank you for saving my ass look. How did you get so good at that? I asked him.
At what? He chuckled a bit.
At being a perfect gentleman in front of someones parents? I responded.
Oh that, he said busting out laughing. Well i have had a few encounters with parents and i have learned if you act like you are a perfect gentleman, you have a lot better chance of seeing your girl again. He continued laughing.
You're such a kiss ass chaz! I said smiling and slapping him.
hey at least she will let you leave with me now, he said winking at me.
Alright babe i better get inside before she comes out again, i said.
Alright, ask her and see if its okay if you go with me tomorrow to practice. I bet she'll be okay with it he winked again. I gave him one last small peck on the lips and told him goodbye.
Bye babe, he replied as i was walking away.

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