After Breakfast

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Roxies POV
Shit I thought I forgot to call Angela last night and she is probably
worried sick. I went upstairs to grab my seeing I had 15 missed calls
and 5 text messages from her.
I quickly dialed her number, and cringed when I heard her voice
on the other line.
You scared the fuck out of me Roxie, she yelled through the
phone. I thought he kidnapped you and raped you or something she
continued on. I thought he killed you, Thank god your okay. What the
hell happened last night? She questioned sounding very serious.
I am so sorry Angela I can not believe I forgot to text you. Well I
had a little too much to drink, and things got a little heated between
me and Chaz last night. We decided to leave the club and go
somewhere else for a while, before coming back to your house. But it
just so happens I passed out on the way, so he took me to his dads
house and put me in bed.
Wait you slept with him? Angela screamed.
No… Angela he slept on the couch and let ne have his bed I
replied to her outrageous statement.
Oh thank god she said releasing a breath of fresh air. So when
are you coming back here she questioned?
I yelled over to chaz who was cleaning up our mess from breakfast,
What time are you planning to take me to angela’s I asked him.
I don’t know babe, he said. I thought maybe we could hang out
for a while today and then I can take you back there this evening
when we get done? He half stated half asked me.
What was that? Angela asked.
What was what? I replied.
He just called you babe! Are you guys dating Roxie? And exactly
how heated did things get between you two last night? She asked Well um we kinda kissed and then it just went a bit farther, We
ended up making out on the couch back in the VIP Lounge. That’s
when we decided to get out of there and go to his dads place, I said.
And yes actually we are a couple now, But we weren’t going to have
sex I added quickly.
Right! Angela stated. You were totally going to have sex with him she
Ya right Angela! I am so not ready for that, I am too young.
Right! She replied again. If you saw the way you two were
looking at each other last night you wouldn’t be thinking that. I swear
you two were fucking each other with your eyes, she stated laughing.
OMG, Angela I was not looking at him in any type of way. How
could you even say that? Anyway I have to get off here I will talk to
you later bye biatch.
That bitch is crazy I thought as I hung up the phone, or am I the
one who is crazy? Was I really looking at chester like that last night?

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