After The Show

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Chester’s POV
No doubt I was shit faced drunk at this point, but I wasn’t ready for
this night to end. The whole night had been great, we played a great
show, we got to see Limp Bizkit perform, I wasn’t having withdraws
thanks to the several lines I did before I went on stage. To top it all
off Roxie was here tonight, at first this worried me. I have been trying
so hard to keep my distance from her, but I couldn’t take it anymore.
Plain and simple I have missed her like crazy, so when I caught her
staring at me during our set I decided to be an asshole and tease her
with flirtatious smiles. I could tell it was driving her crazy, and I was
eating it up. I don’t know if it was the dope, the alcohol, or just her in
general but seeing her squirm around mas making me insane. It was
like pouring gasoline on a fire, the more excited she got, the more
energy I got. It gave me a type of energy I didn’t know I had. The
things she did to me were strange, I had never felt quite like this
before about any woman. I knew damn good and well that I was
headed for trouble if I didn’t quit this shit, but I just didn’t fucking
care anymore. I mean fuck I get myself into trouble all the time.
Underage drinking, drug use, fights, driving under the influence, all
these things could land me in some serious shit yet I do it anyway. So
why should this be any different, I mean I have less of a chance
getting locked up for dating someone under age, than I do driving
around town with an several grams of dope in my car. At first what
my dad said had me pretty worried, but after tonight I couldn’t give a
fuck less. As I stood outside smoking my cigarette, I couldn’t help but
have some wild thoughts. I was watching her help Ricky get Angela
into the car and I couldn’t wait for her to finish. I was ready for Ricky
to leave so I could be alone with Roxie for a while. I had been
thinking about be alone with her for most of the night to be honest. I
just hope I haven’t fucked up our friendship by avoiding her this past
week. Although I think I did pretty good job of covering up the real
reason I hadn’t talked to her. My thoughts started to wonder a bit
and I started thinking about the situation with her mother. I had just
helped her get away from one bad situation, would getting her involved with me really be any good for her? I mean I am just as bad
as her mother with the drugs if not worse. I mean I don’t really get
violent but I do get really messed up at times. I should really tell her
these things before anything happens between us, but I also don’t
want to scare her off. Maybe I should wait until the time is right. Ricky
stated the car up and began to pull away, Roxie waved goodbye as
they exited the parking lot. Once they were out of sight Rox made her
way over to me with the biggest smile on her face, alone at last I
thought. I took one last drag off my cigarette and threw it onto the
So what do you want to do now, I asked?
I don’t know what do you want to do? She replied.
Oh babe if you only knew, I thought to myself. Well we could go
back inside and hang out for a little longer, maybe have a few more
drinks before the club closes I said.
Okay, she replied.
We headed back down the alley, to the clubs entrance. When we
walked back in I walked back towards the bar. Once I got the bar, I
ordered another beer for Roxie and a liquid cocaine for myself. Not
that I needed more alcohol, but it sounded good at the moment. After
the bartender placed our drinks down on the counter, I grabbed them
and made my way back towards Rox. She was sitting on the couch in
the VIP lounge looking at me with such a sexy smirk on her face. Omg
this girl is killing me I thought. I knew I needed to take things slow
with her, but I was experiencing a major lack of control around her. I
sat down on the couch next to her and wrapped my arm around her
shoulder pulling her closer to me.
You want to try a sip of this babe? I asked her.
What is it? She replied.
It’s called liquid cocaine babe, it has seven different types of
alcohol in it I explained. It’s actually very good I added.
It doesn’t actually have cocaine in it does it? She said making
me snicker a bit. No babe it doesn’t have cocaine in it that would be illegal
sweetheart! I responded.
We sat there on that couch for about 45 minutes just talking about
things. She told me about how good things were going for her now
that she was away from her mother. She told me about how Jessie
still talked about Evan, and how he had a big crush on Angela. I
couldn’t help but sit and listen to her speak enjoying every minute of
our conversation. She thanked me again for getting my father
involved and helping her get out of the situation she was in. My eyes
were locked with hers the whole time. After a while I realized we had
been sipping on the same glass of liquid cocaine for the last half
hour or more. I guess she actually liked it, I liked how much it
loosened her up. Rox was always great but she was quiet and
reserved most of the time. That all changed once she got some
alcohol in here. The more she drank the more outgoing she got,
opening up more and more about things. By the time the club was
about to close she was laying with her head in my lap and her legs
stretched across the couch. We were both kind of spaced out from
our buzz by that point in time. I broke out of my zone when I heard
her beautiful voice.
Chazy? She spoke sweetly.
Yes baby? I replied to her
What time is it? She asked me
I looked down at my cell and realized it was already 2:30 am. Fuck it
was getting late, how long had we been sitting here like this I
Its 2:30 babe, I replied to Rox.
Shit, she said shocked. I need to be getting home, Ang is
probably worried sick she continued.
Babe Ricky had to carry Angela to the car after she passed out
remember? I asked her. I doubt she is worried about anything at the
moment I chuckled. Oh yeah, she responded suddenly remembering tonight’s earlier
events. Chaz? She questioned again. Why do you keep calling me
Um…Think Chester quickly I thought. I knew I had been calling
her that but I thought she was too drunk to really notice and I liked
the sound of it. I’m sorry sweetheart I guess I didn’t even realize I
was, I lied.
Okay she replied again.
I pulled a cigarette out of my pack and got ready to light it up when
Roxie decided she was going to snatch it out of my mouth.
Ah Ah Ah I pointed at her. That’s not nice kitty cat I told her.
Well those aren’t good for you she said with a playful smile spreading
across her face.
Neither is drinking alcohol and doing drugs but I do that too so
what’s the difference. Shit I thought I totally should not have said
that. I wasn’t thinking, I am too drunk. I need to watch what I’m
saying from here on out. She didn’t seem to catch all of that, thank
god but it doesn’t mean she won’t next time I told myself. She put my
smoke back in my mouth and I lit it up, taking a long slow drag off of
it. After exhaling the smoke I leaned my head down to hers and
slowly planted a kiss on her lips. To my surprise she started to kiss
me back, I put my cigarette in the ashtray and lifted her up off my lap
not breaking the kiss. I laid her back against the couch slowly kissing
her over and over again. All of a sudden without meaning to my
mouth slowly made its way from her lips to her neck leaving gentle
kisses down to her collar bone. After a few minutes off this I decided
we needed to get out of here.
Babe what do you say we get out of here and go somewhere
else? I asked her between kisses.
Okay, she replied. That was all I needed I lifted her up off the
couch and took her hand leading her out into my car. I unlocked the
passenger side door letting her in before heading to the driver side. I
jumped in quickly starting the car and pulling out of the parking lot like a bat out of hell. Where to? I thought. Dads house I still have a
room there and a key. He is never home since he is always working,
and I can’t exactly go to mom’s house or David’s house because they
will both jump my ass for being fucked up. If I go to dads no one will
be there and I won’t have to take an ass chewing when I get there. I
got on the freeway going towards dad’s house slamming the gas
pedal down to the floor. As I drove I put my hand on Roxie’s thigh, I
started rubbing my hand up and down her leg receiving small
whimpers from her when my hand edged closer to her sweet spot.
Part of me started to feel guilty like I was taking advantage of her.
Evan though I knew she was into it, it didn’t feel right with her being
drunk. I guarantee with her only being 16 she is still a virgin she
didn’t exactly seem like the type of girl who was out sleeping around.
Unfortunately more than I can say about myself, I have been known
to sleep around a bit. I have been with a bunch of girls but I have
never been serious about any of them until her. What is this girl doing
to me I thought again. I looked over to the passenger seat after
breaking out of my thoughts, to see a passed out Roxie leaned up
against the window. Shit I thought there goes that idea, I was hoping
to get some tonight. As I looked at her I decided I didn’t have the
heart to wake her up, so when I finally pulled into dad’s driveway I
jumped out and went to unlock the door to the house. Once I got the
door opened up, I made my way back to the car grabbing up my girl
bridal style and carrying her upstairs to my bedroom. I laid her down
in my bed, took her heels off and covered her up with my blankets.
Being the complete gentleman that I have never been before tonight,
I went to the closet grabbed out an extra blanket and passed out on
my couch.

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