The Aftermath

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Roxies POV
I woke up with the sun beaming in my face from an upstairs window.
Where the hell am I? I thought, suddenly memories started flooding
back to me from last night. I remember staying at the club and
drinking more with Chaz after Ricky took Angela home. But what
happened after that I thought. I knew I wasn’t at Angela’s house so I
could only assume I was at Chester’s. Oh shit I thought please god
no, not like this. I immediately flipped the warm covers off of me
making sure that I was still clothed. Thank goodness I thought when I
realized I was in fact still dressed. I laid my head back down on the
pillows, my head hurts so bad I thought, how much did I drink last
night? Although I did not want to move out of this oversized very
comfortable bed, I need to get up and go find Chester. He could tell
me what happened last night, at least I hoped he could. I made my
way out into a hallway and came to a set of stairs at the end. As I got
to the bottom of the steps I realized that I had been here before, this
was Lee’s house. I made my way around the corner and into the
kitchen where Chester stood covered in pancake batter! I couldn’t
help but let out a snicker making him jump a little.
Hey you’re awake! He stated with a smile on his face. There is
some coffee and some Tylenol on the counter, it will help take that
headache away he continued.
Thank you, I replied.
Your welcome, I can imagine after last night you probably have
one hell of a hangover. Coffee and Tylenol have always worked best
for me, so I figured I’d have some ready for you. Along with some
breakfast of course, but I’m not quite done with that yet he
Your making me breakfast? I asked confused. Chester did
something happen between us last night? I mean... I guess what I’m
trying to say is did we have sex? I asked sounding a little concerned. Totally and it was fucking amazing, He stated bluntly. I stood
there completely embarrassed for a moment before a huge smile
started to spread across his face.
Calm down, he said. I was just kidding, no we didn’t have sex
last night. You passed out in my car on the way here. So when we got
here I carried you upstairs and put you in my bed so you could get
some sleep. He spoke while continuing to laugh a little.
Geez Chester you just scared the shit out of me, I said half
serious half joking. So we didn’t do anything? I asked again just to
make sure.
Well I wouldn’t say we didn’t do anything, I mean we didn’t have
sex or anything but we were at the club till almost 3 am drinking, and
we did kind of end up kissing. Well more like we kind of ended up
making out he stated.
Oh thank goodness, I let out. I mean I’m not saying that in a bad
way, it’s not that I wouldn’t have sex with you but I would rather not
be drunk my first time. I continued trying not to laugh.
Oh so you do want me? He said with another huge grin.
Chester quit that, you know what I mean.
Exactly how bad do you want me? He asked wrapping his arms
around my waist and kissing me on the cheek.
Chester what exactly is this between us? I asked being very serious
this time. I mean I’m a little confused, last week we met and instantly
hit it off. We became really good friends in a short period of time, and
then I didn’t hear from you for a week straight. It was almost like you
were avoiding me, and now after a night of drinking I’m waking up in
your house with you cooking me breakfast and kissing me? Please
explain to me what this is, I said a bit flustered.

Chester POV
Roxie to be honest I don’t even know what this is, I have been
trying to figure that out myself the past week, that’s why I didn’t call
you or message you. I was trying to figure all of this out, to figure out
exactly what these feelings are I feel for you. This is hard for me there
is a little age issue here. I really don’t want to end up in jail for
messing with a minor, but on the other hand I also don’t want to stay
away from you. I wish I could give you an answer but the truth is I
don’t really know myself. I really, really like you. More than I have
anybody else, but I don’t want to make any kind of promises either.
My life is crazy, honestly you really have no idea. I am a bad influence
for you and I don’t want to get you on a bad path. I guess what I am
trying to say is I want to be with you but at the same time I don’t want
to ruin your life. I’m not just trying to get some from you if that’s what
you are thinking, I mean yeah it would be great if that happened but
im not expecting it. And that’s difinitley all I want. I’m so stuck
between doing what’s right and doing what I know is wrong because
of my own selfish desires. Do you understand at all? He asked.
Yeah, actually I do she replied. I completely understand where
you are coming from but you’re not that bad Chaz. I mean I know you
have had some issues in the past but you’re trying to do better right?
I mean you went to your dad for help to try and go back to school.
You are actually trying to make things better and change, so don’t be
so hard on yourself. Truthfully it doesn’t matter what does or doesn’t
happen between us, we will always be friends.
Your right Roxie, I said. I just wish I could give you some sort of
answer. I’m just not good at putting these things into words. Im not
saying that I love you, I haven’t known you long enough for that. But
there is definitely some undeniable chemistry between us, I guess
what im trying to say is im not promising you forever but I would love
to give this a chance and see where things go between us?
So? I asked.
Rox just looked at me with a weird expression on her face. Rox?? I said her name.
Yeah, she responded in a daze.
How about we give us a chance? I asked again?
What do you mean Chaz? Like a couple? She said.
Yes babe, like a couple. You and me together I stated clearly.
Of course, I would love that she smiled at me.
She jumped up and kissed my lips, and I happily kissed her back.
Putting my hands behind her head I brought her closer to me
deepening the kiss.

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