Gemini - the monster

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Name: the girl with green hair and glowing green eyes tilted her head. "Gemini. " she whispered.

Age: "Seventeen." She whispered calmly but has the same eery stare.

Gender: "I'm a female..." she muttered.

Species: "They call me a monster..." she muttered as her fingernails start to glow green.

Personality: "Do monsters have personalities? We're all vicious evil creatures..." she whispered. She's very lonely and shy, as well as this she's quite sad.

Likes: "...." Find out.

Dislikes: "..." find out



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Background: find out!

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Background: find out!

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You worked as a secret scientist. To be exact your job involved biology experiments and you usually worked with Hybrids that had been made through biology, however, this time they took you to a cell in which a girl with green eyes and green hair stood there. Before you entered they whispered in your war that she wasn't an experiment,  instead she was a decendant of escaped experiments and was highly dangerous. They gave you the key and you entered.
"Back away." the girl spoke softly, her eyes not on yours.

What do you do next?

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