Mary-Jane - The Tsundere Neko

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Name: "My names Mary-Jane,  but I hate it, and if you even think about calling me it I won't hesitate to slap you, got it?" She then pauses and looks at the floor "The names Jay."

Age: "I'm 17, why, you got a problem with that?!" She days glaring directly at you.

Gender: "Do I look male to you?!" She asks in a snarky tone, although loomed away with a slightly hurt expression.

Species: "I'm a human!" She laughs sarcastically "I'm a Neko! What the hell does it look like?!"

Personality: "hmph. I'll let you figure the our!" Cold, distant, tries to make people hate her, sarcastic, once she's opened up to you she can be sweet, kind,loving and generous.

Likes: "Not you!" Fish, food, bells, lasers, yarn, bubble wrapping, reading, English lit (as a subject), drama and music.

Dislikes: "People touching me! What is it with everyone touching my ears and don't get mu started on the tail. I swear the next person to touch me will get a roundhouse kick and get shoved into a dust bin!" Artificial fish, bells that make no noise, popped bubble wrapping, horror, documentary 's,  and fiction books

Looks:  "I'm up here! What the hell are you?! Blind?!"


When she was younger:

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When she was younger:

Background: "My background is none of your business so," she looks away with a half- sad, half - angry expression,  "just drop it! "

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Background: "My background is none of your business so," she looks away with a half- sad, half - angry expression,  "just drop it! "

Jay wasn't born a Nekoshe was born a human. Her mum's boyfriend was a scientist and tested her in the lab to see if she could become a Neko

She already had the genes of a Neko, because her father was one before he died, but she was never born as a Neko,  instead a human

She resents her mum's boyfriend for making her a Neko and hates it, she misses being human and hates everyone making fun of her for it. That's why she became cold, less people to get close to meant less people would hurt her.

Other: "None.  Pfft."she can play the piano and electric guitar

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