Damien - Artist

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Name: "Damien Rook..." the guy said as he looked at the canvas and back at you, he had a confused and innocent look on his face

Age: "I-Im eighteen." He said as he looked back at the white canvas bow in front of him as he held his brush up to it.

Gender: "I'm a male..."he sighed as he tried to paint carefully, his eyes squinted as a sign of concentration. 

Species: "Human..."he sighed now looking frustrated but too shy to say anything.

Personality: "I'm sorry... I don't understand?" He asked and looked up at you again. Find out... XD

Likes: "Painting, drawing, music, sculpting..."

Dislikes: "loud noises, and t-too many questions." He was hoping you'd get the hint


Background: find out

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Background: find out

Other: none.


You were new to the school, it was your fist day and you had double art. It was your favourite subject. The teacher sat you next to someone. Someone who looked different.  Everyone was chatting, but he was concentrating on his canvas.  It looked a mess...

You left it like that deciding he just maybe took art for fun.

When you looked over you noticed that he had completely changed the painting around and now it was a portrait of you, that looked amazing

What do you do?

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