Alexandria - The Forest Guardian

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Name: "Alexandria." The blonde girl says simply as she looks straight at you "But just call me Alex or Alexa." She smiles

Age: "I am roughly 600 years old as I am the newest generation of guardian." She smiles "Though I look about seventeen."

Gender: "My gender is female." She says

Species: "Guardian of the Forest." She smiles softly.

Personality: "I'm sorry I don't know how to answer this question." She is calm and collect usually with a positive demeanor to herhowever she can be stubborn and will go to almost any costs to stand up for what she believes in. And you do not want to be on the bad side of her especially since she is extremely fiesty

Likes: "I like the forest animals including my Stag named Kinton." She smiles softly.

Dislikes: "Well, I'm not a fan of most humans, mostly because they make up rulers and call me a forest demon, not to mention they make my job a lot harder then it has to be." She sighs.


Her usual form

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Her usual form.

Her restoring the forest with her music talents

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Her restoring the forest with her music talents.

Her form when restoring the forest and what the forest looks like

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Her form when restoring the forest and what the forest looks like.  (Yes and the fish are there XD)

Background: "Well," she let's out a small smile "It's complicated so I won't share the full story, but I'm a forest guardian if you couldn't see,"she laughs awkwardly "It means it's my job to protect the forest from destruction,  and I'd there is any I need to try my hardest to revive it the best that I can." She says softly

Other: "My best friend is called Jaxon!" She giggled softly "Oh, and if a forest is too badly damaged once I revive it I can kill myself in the process." She says awkwardly but still smiling.


You were walking in the woods one day in the night time as the area you lived in was pretty safe.

You had heard that there was a forest demon around there but you never took any notice. That was until you saw a girl in a dress situated right in front of you with her eyes closed and a violin in her hand. But this wasn't any old girl. Her skin was glowing vibrantly and as she played the violin flowers began to bloom around her and everything started to illuminate. Once she stops she looks directly at you, her violin in her hand. "Who are you?" She says her voice sweet.

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