Queen Leona - Mermaid

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Name: "Leona Rebecca Eloise Grandoré." Leona says calmly

Age: "I am 18 years of age."

Gender: "I am of the female gender."

Species: "I am human." She's a mermaid shifter, meaning she can become a mermaid if she is in water but can also become human.

Personality: "I am ever so sorry, I do not know how to answer this question." She's polite, respectful, however she can be extremely hot-headed. She is honest, and caring, yet can shut all emotions off if needs be.

Likes: "Schooling and huma- I mean people." She says calmly.

Dislikes: "Wars, hatred, evil." Her eyes then widen "I-I mean not that it happens very often..." she says quickly.


Mermaid: Blue hair, Blue eyes, Blue tail

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Mermaid: Blue hair, Blue eyes, Blue tail.
Human: Blue hair and Red eyes, small and petite.

Background: "I am ever so sorry I would not like to discuss this with you." She says softly looking away.

Leona was born a mermaid in the water, however as Royalty, she possesses the power of shifting.

When she was the age of 14 a royal war took place between the two royal family's of the sea.

One of which involved the human race.

The opposite side of Royalty wanted to claim the human race for their own, treating them the way that they were treated, whilst the other side (Leona's family) wanted them to remain unharmed.

The other royal side, The Carlion Royal family, decided they would take matters in their own hands travelling to the land as Human 's due to their shifting and started their plan.

The Grandoré's decided to protect the humans however in the process the king and queen died leaving Leona on her own to protect the legacy that her parents wanted her to uphold and save the humans.

Other: "I have a friend. He seems to be very protective. His name is Carlos, and I've known him for a while now. So if you meet him and he is rather rude towards you, I am ever so sorry." She sighs. Carlos is one of her knights but is also her best friend.


There's this weird girl at school whose in your science lesson. The pair of you get paired up to make a presentation on the Importance of Hydrocarbon 's and there bonds (I just made that up XD). You decide that you'll be making the presentation at your house.

After school as you walk towards your house there is a boy with strawberry blonde hair staring directly at the both of you
"It seems like Queen Leona has found herself a boyfriend." He smirks.

What do you do?

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