Yuichi - Ex - boyfriend

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Name: "Wow... I-I see you've forgotten already..." he huffed slightly, although there's a hurt expression on his eyes "I'm glad to see you've moved on so quickly..." he mumbled with a smile, although he didn't mean it at all. Yuichi Okazaki

Age: "I'm a year older than you, (Y/N)." He says calmly as he looked at you and then quickly looked away. 'I guess she has no reason to remember these things...' he thought.

Gender: "Male." He says. 'Oh God, in one year have I changed and started looking like a girl?!' He frowns worriedly

Species: "W-Well I was a human..."

Personality: He shrugged his shoulders. "What are all these questions for anyway? You told me a year ago that you wanted nothing to do with me, so why the sudden change of heart?" He says. When you were going out with him he was calm, however, he had a very very short temper on him. He could be loud and annoying, but he had a smile that would make your day just seeing it.

Likes: "Y-" he frowned "Never mind." Reading, he's a bit of a book worm, hot drinks, the winter, forests, trees and standing up for you.

Dislikes: "..." bullies, people who annoy you, people who hurt you, and meat.

Looks: "I'm up in the chapter art, and down here."

(A picture you had of him when he was doing spring cleaning last year)

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(A picture you had of him when he was doing spring cleaning last year)

Background: "You know it already..." he sighed softly as he looked away uncomfortably. He grew up on the streets, alone from most people, and would find ways to get by. He went to your school and was classified the 'delinquent'. That was until he met your OC. She was the one that changed his life. She saw him on the street and took him in. Soon they fell in love, and she started dating Yuichi. However after she broke up with him she didn't see him around much after that. This is when he became an Animal shifter. Because he was living on the street, someone offered to take him in. That is, if they became a subject for their experiment, it turns out this experiment caused a genetic mutation in his system which means through his will, he can shape shift into an animal. The scientist who did this now teaches him how all this works.

Other: "Uh... I'm a vegetarian." He said softly.


Once you and Yuichi split up you never saw him that much. But it had been months since you had seen Yuichi.

Maybe it was better that way,  you now had moved on and developed feelings for another boy, and you were sure that you liked this boy.

That was until you spotted Yuichi on the streets with a girl. Your heart broke into a million pieces, and without even thinking you yelled "I HATE YOU!" which of course catches both their attention

You ran off crying your eyes out and decided to go the park, you had spent so much time here with Yuichi it was unbelievable. And now thinking your time away you hadn't even noticed how dark it had gotten.

You were about to leave when a certain someone plopped themselves down next to you and sighed.  "So you hate me, huh?" He asks.  And that certain someone just so happened to be Yuichi.

What do you do now?

(This was made up on the spot, feel free to change the scenario XD)

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